Entertainment Magazine

7 Savory Songs to Help with Your Holiday Feasting

Posted on the 02 December 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie


The holidays are here– with all their family dinner, holiday party, potlucking glory. You know what that means — time to bring on the cooking, food comas and counting of the blessings. Here’s some music for your ears to nibble on as you cook up all the fixings for your feasts and enjoy the company of the ones you love this year.

“Wild Honey Pie” The Beatles

It seems silly not to throw this song into the mix. This fanatical ditty by The Beatles is deliciously repetitive, making it the perfect addition to the madness that will ensue as you go about roasting and toasting this holiday season.

“Black Treacle” Arctic Monkeys

This song by Arctic Monkeys itself isn’t about treacle, but it bears the name of a pretty tasty condiment you might find amidst your holiday grub. Treacle is a molasses-like concoction that is very popular in many European countries. Now, go ahead and stuff your faces with some stroopwafels topped with treacle, you turkeys!

“Raise Your Glass” Pink

Don’t get fancy, just get dancey!

“Hot Knife” Fiona Apple

Listen closely as Fiona Apple compares herself and her lover to butter and a hot knife. The foot-tapping drumbeats, defiant piano and catchy lyrics are sure to get you hot under the collar and hungry for whatever feast awaits you.

“Piece of Your Pie” Snowmine

Here’s another song with a food metaphor! Snowmine’s “Piece of Your Pie” contains lots of lovely howling and contemplation of romantic relationships underscored by kicky drumbeats and wonky keyboards, making it the perfect addition to your cooking and feasting festivities.

“Horchata” Vampire Weekend

Horchata is a tasty drink made of sugar, spice and rice. It’s also the subject of a very catchy Vampire Weekend song. Raise your glass and fill it with some horchata — or whatever liquid strikes your fancy this holiday season.

“Thanksgiving” Adam Sandler

Who can resist laughing at Adam Sandler singing about turkey? The giggles that will ensue from listening to this song will lift even the heaviest of tryptophan hazes.

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