Lifestyle Magazine

7 Pieces of Randomness

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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  1. I’m having one of those disorganised weeks where I make bad food choices and am constantly playing catch up. These weeks make me long for the weekend so I can hit the reset button.
  2. I have no new photos to share. The ones I’ve taken this week are work related. It’s a reminder to make time to take photos.
  3. This means I’ve failed with a new monthly photo challenge before it even began.
  4. We have, however, put quite the dent in our Christmas shopping. It’s a Christmas miracle.
  5. This means, though, I find the countdown to Christmas even more excruciating. Hurry up already!
  6. The males in the family are still marvelling at the Christmas decorations. Apparently the least amount of effort brings the greatest reward.
  7. The festive season has been quite quiet for us, we’ve eschewed parties and the like but we have plans this weekend ~ we’re defrosting the freezers. I know, you want my life, too!

And that reminds me, need to post off the Santa letters. [Photo of this year’s Lego advent calendar]

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This is a post by 74 Lime Lane, 2014. | Permalink

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