Debate Magazine

7 Disturbing Quotes From The NYT’s Story On Teen Sex Changes

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

gender confusion

Daily Caller: The New York Times published an article Tuesday about the brave new world of people undergoing gender transitions at 18 years old or even younger. Given the topic matter, the article is full of lines that are a little uncomfortable, to say the least. Here are the top seven most cringe-worthy:

1. “Kat was anxious about having enough privacy in college, since her new vagina needs constant care or it will close off like a wound.”

While the Times doesn’t have the courage to say it, the reason Kat’s fancy new vagina will close off “like a wound” is because it literally is one. Male bodies do not naturally come with a large gash in the pelvic region, and “dilation” is needed to prevent the body from healing itself. This dilation must continue for one’s entire life. The description on Wikipedia is not for the faint of heart.

2. “‘I was salivating,’ he recalled. ‘I said, we had to do this.’”

This line was uttered by Dr. Norman Spack, describing his reaction after hearing the Dutch were using hormones to block puberty in young children that doctors have concluded are transgender.

3. “A meeting of teenagers in April began with each one declaring a name and pronoun of the day.”

Thanks to the rise of concepts like gender fluidity, it’s totally possible for people to actually have a pronoun of the day, whether it’s “he,” “they,” or sundry other pronouns like “thon” and “xe.”

4. “In the fall of junior year, she showed up at school wanting to be called Katherine, or Kat, because she likes cats. She does not want anything to do with her birth name, Caden. She also has discovered that she likes girls. ‘I identify as a lesbian,’ she said, though her attractions have not been reciprocated.”

5. “With growing tolerance, the question is no longer whether gender reassignment is an option, but rather, how young should it begin.”

As the story recounts, several doctors are racing ahead to transition children’s genders at younger and younger ages. That may not seem too bad, until the Times drops another nugget just a moment later:

6. “Studies suggest that most young children with gender dysphoria eventually lose any desire to change sex, and may grow up to be gay, rather than transgender.”

In other words, doctors may end up giving children irrevocable sex-change surgery, only for the recipient to end up feeling mutilated rather than “fixed.” And that’s a troublesome possibility, because widespread transsexual surgery is so new that the long-term effects are not yet well-understood. One bit of data, however, is a cause for great concern:

7. “A large-scale Swedish study at the Karolinska Institute found that starting about a decade after gender reassignment surgery, the transgender suicide rate was still 19 times higher than for the general population.”

Read the full New York Times article here.


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