The Al-Dalou family have lost all of their 7 children…… wiped out by an israeli rocket, that is a picture you will not see on sky news or bbc.
You won’t see that on Sky news or BBC because muslim blood is cheap as far as the western media is concerned.
Rubert Murdoch’s tweets (owner of sky news) is tweeting 20 times a day for his support of Israel……………..Don’t be deceived by the media.
The hyenas of the british media who have been reporting this massacre in the last week are GUILTY of crimes against HUMANITY in the way that they are misreporting this crisis. The BUSH and BLAIR corporation known as the BBC published the following ‘three israelis have been KILLED by rockets from Gaza whilst 54 Palestinians have DIED’……
The THREE KILLED and the 54 DIED……………………..………..
George Galloway (November 2012)