From Martin Kusch at the University of Vienna:
This is a six-year postdoc position at the University of Vienna, and attached to my chair in “Philosophy of Science and Epistemology”.
You can apply until August 21st. The job starts on October 1st.
The net salary will be around 2300 euros per month.
The post required its holder to produce a “Habilitation”, (i.e. an original monograph) on a topic in the areas of philosophy of science and/or epistemology widely understood (see the list of topic areas below). You do NOT have to have done your previous degrees in Austrian or German-speaking universities. The teaching requirement amounts to two courses of 90 minutes per term. These can be lectures or reading-group-style seminars for undergraduate or master students, often relating to your research work. The administrative load is slim.
Please note that your research and teaching has to fall in one of the following rubrics:
(a) general philosophy of science
(b) epistemology
(c) philosophies of specific sciences
(d) mathematical philosophy
(e) experimental philosophy
(f) ethics and politics of science
(g) philosophy of the history and sociology of science
(h) philosophy of technology,
(i) knowledge and gender,
(j) science and politics,
(k) other philosophical areas and themes that are important for understanding science and technology
This position is not part of the ERC Advanced Grant Project on relativism (relating to which I have advertised several postdoc positions recently).
We strongly encourage women to apply. (Of the nine people appointed in my unit over the past six years, six have been women.) The previous holder of the post, Dr. Velislava Mitova, has recently taken up a position as associate professor at the University of Johannesburg.
The most important part of your application should be an outline of your Habilitation monograph. This can be sketchy and might change later on, but should convince us of your potential for such a contribution.
Finally, the linguistic requirement (learning German in three years) is interpreted here in a very lenient way. In fact, we do need colleagues willing to teach in English. And we do not check up on your German after three years.
Please contact me for any question you might have. Below is the “formal” job ad.
At the University of Vienna (15 faculties, 4 centres, about 188 fields of study, approx. 9.700 members of staff, more than 92.000 students) the position of a
University Assistant (post doc)
at the Department of Philosophy is vacant.
Identification number of advertisement: 5780
The advertised position is situated in the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education. The Department is large (by international comparison) and its members have a considerable variety of areas of competence. This motivates both the duty to offer a teaching programme that spans the full breadth of the discipline, and the intention to satisfy high standards of research performance. The Department attaches great value to the core areas of philosophy, but it also has the aim to contribute to the philosophical discussion of current problems in philosophy. The intention to acknowledge new philosophical developments and tasks is reflected in the number of co-operations and research fields of the department.
Duration of contract: 6 years.
Extent of Employment: 40 hours/week
Occupation group in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc)
On top of this relevant chargeable work experience determines the assessment to a particular salary grade.
Areas of work:
The main task is to produce a publishable “Habilitation” in the field of philosophy of science or epistemology. A description of the Habilitation project must be part of the application papers.
Philosophy of science and epistemology at the University of Vienna comprises the following main areas:
(a) general philosophy of science
(b) epistemology
(c) philosophies of specific sciences
(d) mathematical philosophy
(e) experimental philosophy
(f) ethics and politics of science
(g) philosophy of the history and sociology of science
(h) philosophy of technology, and
(i) knowledge and gender
(j) science and politics
(k) other philosophical areas and themes that are important for understanding science and technology
Other tasks are: to participate in research and administration at the Department of Philosophy in the research area of philosophy of science and epistemology and holding classes due to extent regulations of wage agreement.
To be successful, applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
– PhD in philosophy
– publications and research talks in at least one of the areas listed above
– appropriate teaching experience
– ability to work as a member of a team
– the willingness to acquire, within three years from the point of appointment, a command of the German language that is sufficient to teach at the Bachelor- and Master-level and to participate in university committees
Your application should have the following components:
– academic CV (including certified copies of academic degrees)
– list of publications
– a Habilitation project outline of about 3,000 words
– the PhD thesis
– two published papers and
– two letters of recommendation
Applications including a letter of motivation (German or English) should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna ( no later than 21.08.2015, mentioning reference number 5780.
For further information please contact Kusch, Martin at +43-1-4277-46422.
The University pursues a non-discriminatory employment policy and values equal opportunities, as well as diversity ( The University lays special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants.
Human Resources and Gender Equality of the University of Vienna Identification number of advertisement: 5780
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Martin Kusch
ERC Advanced Grant Project (2014-2019): “The Emergence of Relativism”
Department of Philosophy
University of Vienna
NIG Building (room A 330, 2nd floor)
Universitätsstraße 7
Phone (office): +43-1-4277-46422
Secretary: Mrs. Ernestine Umscheider (9am to 1pm)
Phone (secretary): +43-1-4277-46402
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