One of the hardest adjustments to make through life is improving our eating habits. We get so used to eating what we like that we sometimes forget we are aging, our metabolism is slowing, or that we need to be more conscious of what we are putting into our bodies. The New Year is the perfect time to make these difficult adjustments, as it provides us with a fresh slate to start with! If you aren't sure what to tackle first, we have a few tips to help you out!

By starting small, you aren't overwhelming yourself or your body. An easy thing to start with is drinking proper amounts of water and making sure you have a healthy snack every day. By employing these two methods, you will create small healthy habits that will help you along your health journey.
Keep a water bottle close to you at all times, that way you see the water you need to be drinking, and make sure you have healthy snacks in the house or with you on the go. It is easy to cave and pack not-so-healthy snacks, but if you prep them and have them ready to go, you will be much better off!
Creating a social media account to document your journey will provide you with some accountability. You can make it a fitness account if you are wanting to work on your exercise routines, or just make it a healthy eating account. If you don't want to start a whole new page, our best advice is to unfollow accounts that aren't supportive, and follow those that are not only supportive but give you the motivation you need to make this change!
Writing out your and creating a meal plan is a great start, but it will also be good to plan out what you want from this journey. Planning out milestones you want to accomplish, what you want your end results to be, or just what you want your body to look like is a great plan to have.

An important step in goal-setting is to write it all down! You don't want to lose track of what you want or the timeline you want to accomplish them in. Plus, writing about your progress will help you to reflect on all those little steps you are taking! Having a fitness journal or planner will take this tip to the next level!
Taking supplements such as CBD can help improve your wellness and take your health into your own hands. CBDfx makes the best CBD vape kit , and it's small, discrete, and sleek, so you can use it wherever you are.
There are many other supplements out there as well. Try to choose a supplement that's best for your needs. For instance, if you plan to start hitting the gym in addition to eating better, consider picking up some whey protein from Optimum Nutrition to help you put on muscle faster.
Asking your friends or family to help you along your journey will give you the support and accountability it takes to start and continue on a healthier lifestyle. If you need more help from your support system, don't be afraid to ask for it, and be specific when doing so!
Tell them exactly what kind of help you need, whether that means having them send you supportive messages, helping you find new healthy recipes, or asking them to help you in the kitchen. Lean on those around you, you will be happy you did
If isn't your forte, then now might be the time to learn! Having a healthy diet is hard to do when you don't see yourself as a cook. By subscribing to a meal subscription service like Blue Apron, you can get easy to create recipes and healthy ingredients sent right to your door.
This will take all the guesswork out of shopping, curating, and creating. There is no need to stress about what you will be consuming when using a meal service, because you get to pick what you want, then create it yourself! You will see everything that you are going to be eating, leaving you with no surprises.
When you first start following a healthy diet, it may not be an easy process but, in the end, it will be well worth it! Happy New Year and good luck!