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6 Last Minute Costume Ideas

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
6 last minute costume ideas
GUYS. How are your costumes coming along??? Are you going to enter the contest? The submissions are rolling in and I'm getting so stoked. Do I have a costume yet? NOPE! Have I been thinking about it all year? Yup. I'm a professional procrastinator. These are a collection of some of my favorite costumes I've spotted lately so it can spark the creativity in you. Is it working? 
AND, I'm getting some fun prizes for the winners of the costume contest including some of my favorite products from my favorite Norwegian girls at Darling Clementine and their brand new Ikonik line of stationery and some delicious chocolate from Cocoa Vitale made by Amano. If you're interested in providing some prizes, email me at [email protected]
6 last minute costume ideas Cake costume  |  Bjork swan costume  |  filmstrip costume  |  donut costume  |  pencil costume  |  little Iris Apfel 

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