Hair & Beauty Magazine

6 Critical Rules for Cannabis Storage

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Proper storage is essential if you want fresh-tasting, reliably potent cannabis. But what exactly is proper storage? In this article, review six easy-to-follow commandments for preserving your stash.

Thou Shalt Invest in an Airtight Storage Container

If you’ve ever felt the crunch of fall leaves under your feet, you understand how oxygen exposure affects plant matter. Oxygen dries organic matter, making plants brittle and desiccated.

In the case of cannabis, open air also poses a few other problems: it oxidizes and degrades THC, resulting in reduced potency; it degrades terpenes, sacrificing the characteristic aromas and flavors of cannabis; and it produces a cannabis far too dry and harsh to smoke.

Therefore, rule number one is to invest in an airtight container like a heavy-duty stash pack or pop-top jar.

Control the Relative Humidity with 2-Way Humidity Control Packs

Relative humidity (RH) has a profound effect on cannabis. Under-humidification (an RH < 55%) results in dry cannabis, which, as established above, leads to a muted terpene profile and harsh smoking experience. Meanwhile, over-humidification may lead to mold growth, rendering your stash as good as garbage.

To dial in the perfect relative humidity (58% or 62%, depending on preference), pick up a Boveda humidity pack for weed. These 2-way humidity control packs emit moisture when the RH dips below 58%/62%, and absorb moisture when the ambient RH rises above those percentages. The result is perfectly preserved cannabis every time.

Once the Bud Is Cut, Sunlight Is Not Your Friend

Cannabis has a funny relationship with the sun. During growth stages, cannabis plants thrive on UV rays to grow healthy and chock-filled with active compounds. However, once the grower cuts the bud from the plant, that script gets flipped completely. Sunlight can severely degrade the active cannabinoids in your stash, reducing potency quickly.

If you opt for a clear container (like a transparent bag or glass jar), store your stash in a dark environment.

“You Gotta Keep Them Separated”

Each cannabis strain and individual product bears a unique terpene profile that gives it a one-of-a-kind flavor. Mixing these products in the same container causes those profiles to mingle and muddy together.

To preserve the individual expression of each cannabis product, store your stashes separately in distinct airtight containers, each with its own Boveda 2-way humidity control pack.

Keep That Stash Clear of the Fridge and Freezer

You might hear some misguided netizens touting the benefits of fridge or freezer storage. Do not believe them.

While it sounds intuitive to preserve this organic product where we keep most other perishable items, cannabis is different. In this case, it’s a matter of physical agitation. Any cannabis expert will tell you that the micro-environments in fridges and freezers are rough on trichomes – those twinkly crystalline hairs that hold a significant share of the cannabis’ terpenes. Fridges/freezers can strip and crack trichomes, producing less fresh-tasting products.

Dial in the Temperature for Optimal Results

Having discussed the harmful effects of sunlight, improper humidity and physical agitation, the last item on the docket is temperature.

Most experts agree that the ideal temperature for weed ranges between 60- and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 20 C). This sweet spot helps inhibit mold growth and reduce the threat of degradation.

If you follow these rules to a tee, you can enjoy potent and fresh-tasting cannabis month after month.

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