English: Comment icon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Do you have favorite blogs? If so, you are probably subscribed to them, and read their articles regularly.
But what happens after you are done reading? Do you share the articles you like on social networks? And / or, do you add your two cents to the conversation? If not, you should start doing it today.
Let me tell you why.
Benefits of commenting on other blogs in your niche
- You get to connect and build relationships with other bloggers
- You “meet” new readers that are relevant to the topics on which you write
- You stay in the know about trends in your field
- You create opportunities for guest blogging
- You give your blog a promotional boost and increase your chances of people of engaging there
How you can turn comments on other blogs to your advantage
- Add a link to your blog at the end of your comment. This is especially easy to do if the blogs use third-party commenting systems. The best example is CommentLUV, which allows you to link your name to your blog (top of the comment), promote your Twitter handle, and show off your latest article at the end.
- When leaving a comment, do not just say “Thank you” or “Great stuff”. Add value to the conversation. For example, quote a couple of sentences from the article and explain why they are important to you. Share your experience, ask questions, etc.
- If you feel that one of your articles could complement the one you have just read, make sure you link to it in your comment. However, do not just drop a link and leave. Include a short introductory blurb to give people a good reason to click and read. You do not want others to flag you as a spammer.
- Try to comment regularly on the same blogs. The more people see your name (especially if it is attached to relevant and useful interactions), the more likely they are to check out your blog.
- Comments are not limited to the comment section of a blog. A lot of readers like to add their thoughts when sharing content on social media sites. I know I do, and in this case, I like to tag / mention the authors to let them know that I am promoting their blog for them. It is really easy to do with Google+ and Twitter, for example.
It is good practice to tag bloggers when you share their content, anyway. The more you do, the more they will notice and return the favor.
Now, it’s your time to speak. What are your tips to turn comments on other blogs to your advantage?