Women have achieved a lot these past few decades, with a doubled number of women that hold national parliamentary positions since the report made 20 years ago.
However, this is all based on perspective. Even though many think we have come very far, the number of females that hold CEO positions in the top 500 companies worldwide is only 4.8 percent at this point. In addition to this, the number of males enrolled in the top MBA programs since we got the right for admission is still much bigger than that of females.
Why is This Happening?
When asked this question, many women will point out to discrimination as the only cause. This may be the biggest cause, but it is definitely not the only one.
We simply cannot blame everything on discrimination. Discrimination is obviously still present at some extent, but the biggest reason why women do not break down the barriers more often is because they do not know how. Learning how to build an empowered career is easy, and would definitely decrease the percentage of sexual discrimination in the echelons of business.
To help you out, I have gathered a list of universal truths and tips on how women can build their empowered careers and climb higher on the business ladder:
Create Your Own Definition of Success
Your definition of success is not the same as that of other women. You probably expect to find a certain path you must follow to achieve grand success, but if there were one, why is the number of successful women still very small?
The key to becoming successful is figuring out what you mean by success. If you define a success, you can go out and achieve your goals. Otherwise, you are just aiming in blank, without any finish line to reach.
When creating your definition of success, you must think of the following:
- When would you consider yourself successful?
- What's your best age of achieving success? Do you aim to be successful at 30? Or perhaps your goal is a bit further in the future?
- Does your goal require that you prioritize the career above everything else? Should you postpone having a family or quit your current job? Perhaps you should quit school and start right away?
If you want to move forward, you need to make the right choices. So, take your time- success requires risks, but you wouldn't want to make a decision that is detrimental to your future because you rushed into it.

Envision Your Goals and Split them
How can you split your goals?
The answer is simple - create long-term and short-term goals. For example, make a list of what you would like to achieve in 3 months, another list for one year, and a third list for 5 years down the line. However, make sure that these lists are realistic. Your goal is to split the task into smaller, achievable tasks.
Display Your Values
The only way to achieve more than others in the workplace is to make yourself indispensable. To do this, you need to take small, but significant steps. For example, you should try and anticipate the boss's needs and think a step ahead for your team. By taking the necessary actions before they are even requested by you, you will become indispensable.
We all have some values others don't. Learn what you do better than others and use this to your advantage. Once you do this, you can blow them away with your skills!

Change Your Attitude
One very important trait of a successful woman is knowing when to change the attitude. There are times when you need to be sweet and caring, and times when you need to be aggressive and masculine. This is the advantage we have over men since, men would never change their attitude and present themselves as the weaker sex.
In our case, we are the weaker sex, but can also turn into a stronger one. So, do not be one of the women who lack confidence, and learn when to take the appropriate attitude. This can take you far ahead sooner than you think.
Get Some Help and Support
A person who can provide you with guidance and support is an amazing resource for those who aim to progress in the career. This person can be someone you work with, a person in your family or surrounding. In most cases, the best person is one who has achieved your goal and is where you want to be in future. This person will be your mentor.
Are you ready to start your journey of a successful career woman? Follow these tips and help us women beat the odds of today!
This guest post was authored by Laura Buckler
Laura Buckler is a freelance writer and content editor at https://essays.scholaradvisor.com/ and a mother of two, but before it all, she is a feminist. She holds passion in teaching and guiding women into achieving the impossible. Laura believes that women can turn the world around. To better, of course. Follow her on twitter.

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.