Valentine’s Day is fast approaching with less than a month to go before what is arguably the most romantic day of the year! Along with it comes the yearly challenge of finding that perfect gift for your partner. Romantic is good but geeky is better! Here’s our totally Geeky top 5 gifts you can give (or hope to receive) this Valentines.
1. 8-Bit Roses & Flowers

Thanks to the uber popular Minecraft 8-bit pixelated stuff is back in a big, blocky old-school way and the world is (probably) a better place for it. With that in mind, what better way to show your love than to give your better half an 8-bit rose with the stand out features being that it is timeless, like your love of course! Yep, it never needs watering, doesn’t eat sunlight (or whatever plants do with sunlight) nope, it just sits there in all its pixelated glory and we wouldn’t have it another other way. Honourable mentions go to the 8-bit bouquet and if you’re feeling a little less sappy you can always grab yourself them an assortment of other equally 8-bit accessories such as sunglasses, ties and bows.
Buy 8-Bit stuff from Think Geek.
2. Saucy Geekwear

What do you get when you cross some saucy skin tight clothing and middle earth? Saucy skin tight lord of the rings clothing of course! All but guaranteed to get fires of mordor burning on valentine’s night making it possibly the perfect valentines gift for many a Tolkienian. It doesn’t stop there; oh no you can combine theromantic over-tones of underwear with your outer-geek by getting your partner a sexy superhero bra, sure to get your geek juices flowing. There’s a whole range of geek-tastic attire available from batman bras to the admittedly less saucy, but equally impressivePokémon Bra and literally everything in between making these risqué items of geek attire great valentine’s gifts.
You can buy the LOTR clothing here. And Comic Bra’s here.
3. Nyan Cat Gifts

Is the Cat saying ‘NyanNyan..’ or ‘MeowMeow..’? Surely one of lifes biggest mystery’s right up there with “Who built the pyramids?”. If you’ve no idea what we’re talking about then please move along as you are not worthy. Oh ok, if you have no idea what we’re talking about then firstly, were not talking about the unfortunately named drug, no no, Nyan Cat is only the most famous and legendary digital feline ever to have never actually lived, just watch this.Well, did it say ‘Nyan’ or ‘Meow’? Answers on a postcard please. Anyway, now you’re hooked on this adorable cat, don’t you wish there was a set of tie in gifts available? Good news! They’ve sought to cash in on their cult phenomenon and offer everything from Mugs, Gift Wrap, you name it; while we can’t help but feel they’ve milked the cat dry we can’t argue that they are one of the great geek gifts you can buy right now.
You buy all Nyan Gifts here.
4. DIY Gifts

Feeling crafty? Not sure what valentines gift to get him or her? Then there’s only one thing for it this Valentines: make your own gift! By doing this you will instantly elevate your gift to a whole new level of awesomeness. The scope is unlimited and the rewards will be plentiful. If you’re in need of inspiration then check outinstructables for a whole host of DIY goodness.
Highlights include a glowing heart broach made from little other than some hot glue, a magnet, LED and battery, a selection of fiendish robotic anti-valentines bots (tip: stock up on crocodile clips) and if you’re really struggling you could just create a heart out of pieces of Lego, you won’t win many prizes for your construction skills but all is fair in love and a heart shaped anything on valentines is pretty much acceptable.
5. Geek weddings

Lastly and by no means least, you could go all the way this valentines and give arguably the best gift a person could ask for on this most romantic of days, that’s right folks were talking about the ‘M’ word. Tying the knot on Valentines is not only an awesome gift (possibly a slight understatement) but it also gives you two great opportunities to show your geek credentials. Firstly, you’ve got the proposal event where you can really go to town on the ring with every imaginable geek tie in available from a R2D2 themed ring to the ring that started them all, or at least ruled them, that’s right the lord of the rings ring. If you REALLY want to impress though, you’re going to have to build a scale replica of geek hero, Optimus Primefor example.
Moving on the big day itself, the opportunities for geek filled romance are endless with classics including Star Trek (Klingon, naturally), Shrek, Superman and Wonder woman being staples of the geek wedding scene.
You can find some inspiration for your own geek wedding here. Live long and enjoy Valentines fellow Geeks.