Photography Magazine

5 Top Travel Vloggers 2014

By Littlebckpacker @littlebckpacker

Video blogging has been around for a while but it wasn’t until recently that I really started playing much attention. The whole world of ‘vlogging’ as it is known, has been growing at a steady rate this year, with more and more blogs offering the whole package of videos and written blogs. There is something about a video which adds quality to blogs and enables the reader/viewer to see the destination for their own eyes as well as those of the blogger. I have started creating my own vlogs over on YouTube about life in London and being a student as well as dipping in to making some travel videos. However my videos are only a beginning to this world of video making and there are so many bloggers out there making amazing videos already.

After attending a talk at WTM on video blogging I have come to realise the importance of video for bloggers and how it can have a positive impact on your blog.

Here are my 5 Top Travel Vloggers To Follow & Inspire You

Sam & Audrey

These guys are one of my favourite video blogger duos, they both have separate blogs (Nomadic Samuel and That Backpacker) but as a couple have come together to make these hilarious and fascinating videos. They focus on travel related activities and talk a lot about food, but recently they have returned to school in Canada. Despite this some how they have managed to still make exciting videos about their temporary change in life.

top travel vloggers


Video is great for providing your readers with a quick bite of real time.

BackPacker Steve

Steve was one of the four on the panel at WTM for the video talk; he has the personality for talking in front of a crowd and had the whole room laughing. His videos follow much of the same hilarity either in German with English subtitles or visa verse. Steve has taken part in some big campaigns for companies including making his own hashtags for these, his drive to create videos for his readers as well as other companies is inspiring.

top travel vloggers


People who watch videos tend to stay on your site for an extra two minutes.

Cailin O’Neil – Travel Yourself

Cailin was also on the panel at the WTM talk, I had a vague awareness of her blog before then but have found myself watching video after video since. She has a head start to most of us as she studied film at university, still Cailin likes the rough, handheld style. She has come up with her own ‘types’ of video: including ‘a destination in a minute’ and ‘hotel reviews’. Cailin has also worked on some top projects and is a great inspiration to follow, if you are just getting stuck in to vlogging.

top travel vloggers


43 times more likely to appear on page one of Google search, if your page has a video.

World Of Wanderlust – Brooke

Brooke’s videos are very different to everyone else on this list, her vlogging really is real ‘on the go’ stuff filmed via her iPhone. I get the impression from most videos she records random fun things from the day and then slots them into a vlog at the end. Her videos seem more real than others although can lack direction, because you don’t always know what you will gain from watching the video. They however often have me in giggles and I cannot stop watching them – a real insight into the nomadic lifestyle.

top travel vloggers


Video builds a personal relationship with your viewers, find your voice and listen to your audience.

A Brit and A Broad

These guys are my newest find in the video blogging world and the quality and professionalism of their videos is amazing. (I’ve stayed away from finding out the gear they use because I know I’ll only want it) I think the fact these guys have someone recording them helps to make the videos so good but they are certainly naturals in front of the camera too. If you haven’t given these guys a watch already then it is totally worth it, although their videos will make you green with envy!

top travel vloggers


Are any of these top travel vloggers your favourites? Or do you have another favourite? Let me know in the comments below and you can find my YouTube channel here.


Tags:  Blogging Travel Inspiration Video

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