You are doing an amazing job as a baker but it wouldn't make sense to bake a cake if you are not able to deliver it on time, without any destruction caused to the cake or anything from the packaging. These are the rules you should follow while doing cake delivery
1. Charge for the cake delivery
It is obvious that you will charge the customer for the delivery but make sure you charge for the correct reasons. Make sure you don't exploit the customer by charging more than it is supposed to be because the customer might stop purchasing the cake because of expensive delivery charges.
2. Structure your cake correctly
Once you have structured your cake correctly, there is no worry later since it is all well structured. So it won't risk falling or getting destroyed on the way.
3. Plan ahead
Here are a few questions to ask yourself while planning the delivery:
Have I been to this location before?
How long will it take me to get there?
Will I be delivering during rush hour?
4. Deliver early
It is a very good sign to deliver anything early. It will build a good image of the baker and for sure they will recommend you further too. On the other hand, you will get a chance to arrange everything in order to give a good presentation of the cake.
5. Carry emergency cake supply kit
They say, “Precaution is better than cure”. This holds true for cake delivery as well. You never know what would happen to the cake on location and if you don't carry some essentials then all the efforts done by the baker go in vain. This kit contains extra frosting, piping bags, coupler, fondant, dowels, spatula and offset and many more. All these things save you from getting embarrassed in front of your customers.