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Eli Rose Social Media specializes in helping small businesses optimize their online presence. They offer everything from search engine optimization to easy to understand training to ongoing social media management. Every Tuesday, they offer insights to the readers of Little Indiana on how to use the internet and social media to build their online brand. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.
When starting a new social media platform, it can be tough to know what to do. You want to have a strong presence that doesn’t take all of your time. It can be tempting to cut corners in order to manage all of the many things you need to do ti manage your business. Cutting corners can be potentially detrimental to your business if you cut the wrong corners. Here are five things to avoid doing on Twitter in order to build a strong presence.
1. Don’t Be An Egg On Twitter, a new accounts profile image defaults to an egg. This signifies someone has just joined. Not adding a branded profile image makes it look as though you don’t use your account or are potentially a spam account.
2. Don’t Use Auto-DMs A direct message (DM) is a way to send a one on one message to your followers. There’s even a service to send automated DMs to followers. This can seem like a great way to promote yourself or your business. However, Auto-DMs turn many people off. Some will even unfollow those who send Auto-DMs meaning these are instead detrimental to your business.
3. Don’t Only Promote Yourself If all you do is send tweets pushing your latest promotion, it’s very unlikely anyone will care. Twitter is all about being social so get in there and talk to people, participate in Twitter chats and find articles to read. This means when you do have a promotion, the people you already talk to will pay attention – and even help you promote it.
4. Don’t Be Inconsistent If you post regularly for a week, then disappear for months, then come back for two days, you will not be able to build trust with your followers. This means when you do tweet, it’s unlikely anyone will listen or respond.
5. Don’t Jump on a Trending Hashtag without Knowing Why it’s Trending Twitter has a list of trending topics that indicate what is being talked about. This is often used to gain attention on Twitter when you have an opinion on a trending topic. However, some add a trending hashtag can be extremely detrimental if you do not know why a topic is trending. For instance, when James Gandolfini passed away, The Sopranos was trending as a result. It would have been a poor time to use the hashtag and explain how much you disliked Tony Soprano.
It’s not in your best interest to build a presence that won’t work. Be sure not to commit any of these “Twitter Sins” so you can get the most out of your Twitter presence.
Interested in learning more? Head on over to Eli Rose Social Media or follow them on them on Facebook or Twitter.