Social Media Magazine

5 Things Not to Do on Facebook

Posted on the 16 July 2013 by Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Eli Rose Social Media specializes in helping small businesses optimize their online presence. They offer everything from search engine optimization to easy to understand training to ongoing social media management. Every Tuesday, they offer insights to the readers of Little Indiana on how to use the internet and social media to build their online brand. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

 Last week, we discussed five things not to do on Twitter. While many of those apply to Facebook as well, like not only promotional content, each social media platform has its own nuances. Because each platform has its own design you need to manage each platform slightly differently. Here are five things you should be sure not to do on Facebook.

1. Don’t Forget Your Imagery Facebook allows you to use both profile pictures and cover images. Cover images are only displayed on your business page but provide a finished look to your page. Profile pictures are displayed whenever you like or comment on someone’s status, as well as on your business page. This makes your profile picture an extremely important part of your branding on Facebook. Be sure to optimize your imagery accordingly.

2. Don’t Neglect to Make Your Website Visible Facebook allows you to populate your website in your profile. However, this is not displayed on your business page without your your audience clicking on the “About” link. To be sure your website is easily accessible, be sure to add your website address to the “Short Description” section of your profile so that it appears on your business page. The easier you make it for users to click through to your website, the more likely they will.

3. Don’t Forget to Interact Facebook allows you to interact with others as your business page. Taking time to do this each week allows you a unique opportunity to interact with other people and business pages as your brand. This means you can increase your reach and the number of people who like your page by reaching out to others. There’s a reason they call it social “networking”. Treat Facebook like a networking tool and meet as many people as possible. Just remember, just like in person meetings, this should not be all promotional.

4. Don’t Forget to Enable Private Messaging Private Messages let Facebook users reach out to you directly. Having this option enabled means that if someone sees your update and wants to take action immediately, they can. The harder it is for your audience connect with you, the more likely that they will get distracted before they finally do. Make it easy for your users to reach out to you and enable private messages on Facebook.

5. Don’t Forget to Post Consistently There is no platform where posting consistently is more important than Facebook. Facebook uses an algorithm called Edgerank to determine who sees your updates. As a result, if you don’t post regularly, no one will see your updates. Facebook is not a platform where you can post once and disappear for three months, when you resurface, it’s unlikely that your Facebook audience will see your updates.

Interested in learning more? Head on over to Eli Rose Social Media or follow them on them on Facebook or Twitter.

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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