Fashion Magazine

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI

By Admincosmotales
5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI

Holi- the festival of togetherness, love, joy, happiness- that's full of COLORS.. Colors all round the air, its the time to celebrate the season of COLORFUL Hues, indulge in the thrill of hearth robing music, mouth watering delicacies and sway in festival fervor. Who don't love to play colors and swirl in excitement, but sadly the colors played in festival can harshly damage skin and hair and craves for after festive extra care and treatments.

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5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
But panic not! here we are with easy pesky life saviors tips and tricks to protect your beautiful skin and healthy locks from harmful effects of colors.

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
We generally just oil our strands and hit on the festive ground. Though it works but according to experts, its recommended to naturally color your hair with henna mask. Apply natural henna 2-3 days back of Holi, and wash in regular manner. This will give an extra coating to your strands and then if you oil them before playing colors. Your hairs are safe.... being henna and oil coated.

[Read About- The hairmask That Have Restored Life Back To My damaged hair]

It's recommended not to exfoliate your skin before 2-3 days of Holi. And start applying oil before going to bed in night atleast 2 day prior to the festival, Use

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
light oils that are easily absorbed- (Jojoba Oil, Rosehip Oil, Grapeseed, Argan Oil or Sesame Oil etc.) .

So that your upper layer of skin absorbs the oils well. And on the day of the festival apply Heavier Oil ( Olive Oil, Coconut Oil or Castor Oil) and then then hit the floor. This will prevent the colors to get into your pores with an extra coating of oil.

Protect Your Skin With Aloe-Vera

Apply raw Aloe-Vera pulp all over the skin in morning, let it dry. And before going for the play, apply a layer of Heavy Oil

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
(Olive Oil, Coconut Oil or Castor Oil). This will form dual layer and prevent the harmful color getting within your skin pores.

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
Our nails are the really prone, so cover them with a nail paint and top it with a nail lacquer.

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
This is as vital as- water on this tiring day. Because playing with color and water under the sun can give you an extra tanning or make you sun burn prone. So never forger to wear your broad spectrum sunscreen before stepping outside.

[read 5 best sunscreen for all skin type].
Don't Go For Threading Or Waxing

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
Opting for threading or waxing just a day or two prior to the festival can expose your pores to harmful particles. This will clog the pores and skin go easily dehydrated or unbalanced. Rather its recommended to go for waxing after the day of color playing.

5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI
So now as you have all these homemade natural tips and tricks handy, i am sure you will be super excited to try these life savior ones and share few of your if you have in the comment section below.

Enjoy and have a very Happy Holi from team cosmotales.


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5 Super Easy Tips To Protect Your Skin & Hair This HOLI

COSMOTALES is an Indian Lifestyle webzine run by Shatakshee Kashyap to bring out her blogging addiction. She loves brewing news, kinda addicted to social media and holds an MBA degree that landed her to the job of Brand Management in a leading firm. Why Cosmotales? " The center place of media is full of negativism, criticism and fake news, in a quest for viral stories visual media networks are even torching up rumors. How many times it happens that you sit in front of the TV for news and see something incredible happening in India or Abroad. I wanted to mix the versions of Great, Happy stories, Incredible Journeys with the lighter toned lifestyle content that will benefit my reader in some or other way and so I started COSMOTALES".

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