Lots of young female professionals are terrified they’ll never make an impact on their industry and be ignored and passed over for opportunities because they aren’t projecting the right image. I used to feel a bit like this as I was sure everyone else was more successful than me, then I realized, if I wanted to be successful I had to copy the actions of powerful businesswoman and make them my own.
Today I’m going to share with you the top 5 lessons I learned from some of the world’s most dynamic woman in business.
1. Get a head start
The BEST way to get others to take you seriously is to take yourself seriously. Get up early and be at your desk on time, because looking tired or frazzled will deplete your confidence- and others confidence in you.
Success is easier when you have a head start on the day and dynamic businesswoman and Vogue editor Anna Wintour knows this, as she’s on the tennis court by 6 every day. Impressive right!?
2. Delegate, delegate, delegate!
Trying to do everything yourself is admirable but people will respect you far more if you delegate smaller tasks and take control of the more important ones, rather than juggling everything yourself.
People who delegate are good leaders and good leadership never goes unnoticed.
3. Find a mentor
If you are lucky enough to have a good mentor, this is like hitting the jackpot at http://www.iPadcasino.com.au and all powerful businesswomen have at some stage looked up to someone.
I was lucky enough to have a wonderful mentor in my first boss and the lessons I learned, the networking opportunities I was offered and the advice given was invaluable.
4. Know your worth
Need I say more? Don’t undersell yourself or accept less than you are worth. If you settle for second best you will always struggle to reach the top, so negotiate your salary package, benefits and raises to the best of your ability.
If you are not happy with your remuneration, MOVE ON!
5. Listen, look and learn
If you feel like you are at the top of your game there’s probably someone right behind you just waiting to grab your spot. Never become complacent, stay attentive to what’s going on around you and listen to what EVERYONE says, regardless of their position.
Sometimes the best insider info comes from the most unexpected sources!