People who are interested in getting 3D models, textures or HDRI should know that CGStudio is the perfect marketplace where they could find these. This place not only promotes high quality products but it also focuses on offering them at the best price on the market. So, it is safe to say that one should use this marketplace because it protects people’s interests and its main purpose is to help the members get and explore new opportunities.
In what is to follow you will be exposed to the main five reasons why you should go for this platform. You will see that this has only advantages for you (whether you are a buyer or an author) and as a result you should definitely have a look at the following lines.

- Price-performance ratio: Right from the beginning it was mentioned the fact that CGStudio is focused on offering people endless opportunities, which is why here you will be able to find products with a lower price/performance ratio. To be more precise, at CGStudio you will get high quality products at an incredibly low price.
- Great variety: Everyone knows that it is extremely hard to satisfy everyone’s taste. However, when there is diversity and a wide range of products customers will definitely find what they need for their business. At CGStudio, there are more than 27.000 textures, HDRI and 3D models for professionals; which definitely means that you will be able to find the ideal piece for your commercial or personal activity.
- CGStudio 3D models: CGStudio 3D models are available in various file formats and if these happen not to be compatible then the people behind this concept will convert them for you in any possible format. Also, as it was already mentioned these come in a wide range and as far as their specifications are concerned, these include: 3D print ready, game ready, animated and rigged.
- 60% royalty rate: Authors should know that here they are offered a flat 60% royalty rate. As far as the VAT is concerned this is covered from their profit margin without reducing the royalty rate, nor charging the customers. Another thing that will certainly make you happy and encourage you to collaborate with CGStudio is the fact that they desire to increase the royalty rate for all authors to 65%, in 2015.
- No hidden fees: There are certain companies that require you to pay certain fees, in order to open an account or to list your products. But, as far as this marketplace is concerned there are no such fees. This means that you won’t be required to pay anything nor for the opening neither for the renewal of your account.

Besides these 5 reasons there are many more motives why you should go for this platform. For instance, there is no exclusivity lock-in (you are allowed to sell your products anywhere), the team behind the CGStudio program will help you sell your creations, and last but not least you will set your own prices.