We're still counting down to Pouzza Fest! In this round of 5 Quick Questions, we're talking with Patrizio of BOIDS.
To many, Boids is an artificial life program that simulates the flocking behaviour of birds, but to us, BOIDS (Boys of Intelligent Design and Style) is a three-piece hard-core punk band. The self-described weirdos are on the Stomp Label, and they've been making music together since 2012.
If you ask BOIDS, who they are they'll tell you:
"Weirdos who play punk rock. We love coffee, foods, sometimes tobacco, sometimes beer and whiskey, and always good peoples, good times."
BOIDS are Mike on drums and vocals, Patrizio on guitar and vocals, and Andy on bass and vocals. They'll be up on the Garage of Foufs stage on Saturday at 8:00 PM.
Thanks to Patrizio for playing along and answering our 5 Quick Questions, Pouzza Fest Edition.
Q1) If you're in the car on a long drive between shows, what is the one album you can listen to on repeat?
Patrizio) " Nigga Please " by Ol Dirty Bastard
Q2) Do you have any pre-show rituals?
Patrizio) Deep exhalations and Red Panax Ginseng.
Q3) What can fans expect from a live performance?
Patrizio) The unexpected... if you can't be safe, be dangerous.
Q4) Is there a band or artist you think people should be paying more attention to?
Patrizio) Vacation! We played with them last week, they're lovely humans.
Q5) What's your favourite thing about Pouzza Fest?
Patrizio) All the wonderful messy bits of it! It's in our hometown so being able to crawl into your own bed is a plus.