For most people, the holiday season is over, but those in the wedding business are still smack dab in the middle of engagement season. If you’re newly engaged, or planning on being engaged soon, think about adopting some of these five common New Year’s resolutions to your wedding planning.
1. Get Organized
Buy a notebook, buy a binder, create a dropbox folder. Do whatever works for you as a way to organize your thoughts, ideas, and plans. Count backwards from your expected wedding date to make a timeline of when you need to hire which vendors. Then, do things in order.
2. Go on a Diet
NO! Not that kind of diet, a visual diet. In other words, step away from the Pinterest. We get it, we love Pinterest, too. But, spending too much time looking at other people’s pictures, with no concept of their financial or time budget is a recipe for depression.
3. Get Expert Advice
Hire a planner, buy a good book, or talk to wedding professionals. Friends and family can offer great advice on which vendors to hire (make sure to read reviews on sites like GigMasters) but they aren’t working with your budget and your vision. You want must of your wedding planning advice to come from an objective observer, not a friend or parent with her own agenda.
4. Stick to a Budget
Have some honest conversations with your fiance(e) and anyone else who may be contributing to the cost of your wedding. Figure out what your wedding budget is, and stick to it.
5. Keep Some Perspective
Your wedding is the most important day in the world … to you, right now. It is not the most important day in the history of the world, or possibly even in your life. It’s also not the most important day in anyone else’s life. Be kind to yourself and others, don’t over plan and don’t stress out.