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Sometimes you see an item and think “wow, what a cool idea” and then realise, “hey, I could really use that”.
That was too long for a post headline but these ingenious products serve a clever dual purpose and I think could really use them in my day to day life.
- This under the desk hammock comes in two positions ~ work or relax mode ~ and also becomes an handy spot to throw that paperwork you’re avoiding!
- Chocolate pencils. Need I say more? One purpose is to make beautiful chocolate shavings, I think they are a handy way to hide your chocolate from your co-workers.
- It appears I’ve found this one too late [out of stock everywhere] but ideal for working through a lunchbreak or when you forget to take a fork to work ~ the dine in utensil set. Also handy when you’ve lost your pen lid, again.
- Shelving that waters your plants. Self-explanatory.
- And a cloud-shaped rainbow tape dispenser ~ because you always need a little happy.