Hi there! It's meeee! I'm here to talk about cool art studios that inspire me, since that's where my mind is lately.
I'm in this weird place with blogging right now, where I don't exactly know what to do with Along Abbey Road. My heart and soul is being poured into The Butter Half, and I've considered taking this blog private. With the boys getting older, I want to remove their public internet presence as much as I can. And since this is primarily a family and mommy blog, that sucks the fun right out! ;)
I guess I am in the decision process of taking a shift in my focus here?
I've asked myself approximately 257 times what that means, exactly. Too many hours and tears have been sacrificed to completely pull the plug, and right now my gut tells me to make this blog my inspiration station. Art has always played a central role in my life, so I suppose it's time for it to take the spotlight. Inspiration is knocking at the door in my skull, asking politely if it can enter my brain and come play. So I guess I am letting it in and we are having a colorful, splattered, creative play date! (This probably has something to do with the fact that we are reading Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

The term #goals comes to mind when I see anything Bobbie Burgers creates. She is my art idol. Plus her last name is freaking Burgers! A staple food group in our house.

This photo of a young Chuck Close in his creative zone gives me chills. His work blows my mind every single time I look at it.

Just when you think Jemima Kirke couldn't be any cooler, you discover she is an insanely talented artist with a gorgeous Brooklyn art studio to boot!

I recently discovered ceramic artist Eve Simmons. Everything about her is lovely. And my creative ADHD now thinks I need to try my hand at pottery.

This studio belongs to Kiki Slaughter and it's every artist's dream. Nothing sets my soul free like dripping paint and open, natural light-filled space.
In close, I just want to express my gratitude and appreciation for all of you who have loyally read my blog over these last five years. Thanks for sticking around and taking part in my life's journey, wherever it has been and wherever it may lead. xo -Abbey