I will have you know I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into this month's list of Netflix suggestions. There was much scrolling, many thoughts of how in the WORLD do people get these horrible films made?!, and many exclamations of wanting to watch at least a dozen more movies I didn't even know existed or were on the Flix. My list is terribly long already, so what's another 20?
I need a legitimate Netflix vacation. Think how awesome that would be to tell your boss...
"Um yeah, Jerry? I'm gonna need to use my last two Netflix days. I feel a terrible binge coming on."
Or in my case, it will be like those hilarious Nyquil commercials.
"Luke and Wes, I need you to take a seat. I hate to do this to you, but I have to use up my Netflix vacation before the year is up. Yes, I know it's only March, but it's just something I have to do. Thanks for understanding, little fellas."
When I am president someday, I will be sure to enact Netflix time off into federal law. You are very welcome.
I don't know what it is about these Netflix posts, but I ALWAYS go off on a tangent about something. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but I like to think Netflix brings out the best in me. Until I have a Netflix hangover the next day because I stayed up until at 4 am watching 54 episodes of who knows what. Buuuutttt, other than that it is almost always a great thing. I am even contemplating getting this wedding band.
Okay, enough with this rambling garbage. Let's get to the classic romantic movies you need to watch this weekend!
1. Funny Face. The story! The cinematography! The wardrobe! The Audrey! Just watch it, for crying out loud.
2. Houseboat. This is the movie in which you will find yourself wanting to be a seductive Italian woman (kudos to you if you already fit that description) who lives on a houseboat and marries Cary Grant.
3. An Affair To Remember. There is a 99% chance you have already seen this. However, if you fall into that 1% category, I am not judging you, but I don't know how you are a real human being. Either way, 100% of us should be watching it this weekend. Also, the classics section of Netflix should just be called the Cary Grant section. He is in all of them! Not that I am complaining, though.
4. Love Story. If that movie title doesn't convince you that you need to watch it, then I don't know what else will, but I will certainly try my best to persuade you. A) It is a 70s film, which was one of the scariest, craziest and best eras for film in general. The style, the look, the feel. I just like it. B) Ali McGraw will have you parting your hair down the middle and channeling your groovy babe vibe. C) It will make you cry in that sappy, overly-sentimental way. And sometimes we just need a ridiculous reason to melt down into an ugly crying session. Those reasons don't sound very convincing now that I read over them, and I am sure there are much better ones, but they will have to do for now.
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's. I am rebutting my previous statement that the classics section of Netflix should just be called the Cary Grant section. It should actually be called the Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant section. And this is definitely a good thing. Anyway, this movie is clearly the queen of classic romantic movies and should be watched on a monthly basis. Doctor's orders! I also have the novella on my to-read list this year. It will be my first Capote book and I am rather thrilled about it.
Have a fantastic weekend!
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