This post talks about cloud hosting and its benefits. Many hosting providers are facing tough situations as many new entrants entering the web arena for their online business are constantly stiffing up the competition. The fact that every online business needs a web hosting cannot be disputed. Whether one needs a shared hosting, or a dedicated hosting or even choose to have their presence felt on virtual private servers, amongst many others depends on their business requirements. Due to this, the hosting costs have escalated whereas the competition has increased the storage costs. However, the bandwidth costs are deescalating quiet fast.
Cloud Hosting
Since the origin of Cloud computing and its successful entry into the business world of the wide web, many web hosting applications as well as other online management have been provided at economy. As such, several Small and medium business have found cloud hosting immensely viable as imparting them results in lowering their cost of maintenance, recruiting and also licensing. On the whole, their usage enables business owner’s focus on profitability of their respective businesses.
The Traditional Hosting model
A traditional hosting model strives to optimally allocate IT resources to create a renewed presence of the product offerings as well as the company’s identity on the web. In doing the same, what is needed as prerequisites is the availability of storage space, updated IT resources, and a dedicated web server. Managing of the IT resources can be attributed to the pre-allocated bandwidths, dedicated IP addresses, and firewall protection customized to the business address to perfection. All this also requires significant staff overhead, and an effective internal communication platform for effecting smooth co-ordination between the IT resources and the other communication platforms.
Opting for a traditional hosting model can make you face major challenges especially if you desire a cloud web app for negotiating with Internet Service Provider. Negotiating with ISP enables availability of resources in a timely manner. However, if your business prospers, you would require increased resources, way over the original initial resources in order to facilitate co-ordination with existing resources speedily and with minimal cost. For enabling this, you could possibly undertake pertinent manual work for approving the request; or for allocating, locating, and even in configuring your security settings, connections, amidst other business hardware challenges. However, starting this process will take at least a year or even more in some organizations. The data security factor is such another critical issue in the arena of server hosting. Many companies pay serious heed to this aspect which is why some of them host self hosted servers allowing them the deployment of their own solutions pertaining to security as well as certain other avenues of protecting online data intact.
Cloud Hosting Benefits
How can cloud computing render you assistance?
All sizes and structure of businesses online can tap benefit from cloud computing. As such, a small business hosting as well as a gigantic ERP application cloud plays a significant role in many of the IT departments as in other business structures. Being able to access it from any place by single or multiple device accessibility render cloud computing an optimal hosting model facilitating 24/7 access to its users. These attributes make such computing much desirable and preferred over the traditional business model of hosting. Moreover, its economy in cost rates has opened far more avenues and expanded the profitability dimensions in the online business world. As for the IT resources it brings forth, cloud computing creates new ideas of innovation rendering its users a complete advantage over their business competition.
However, whether to opt for cloud computing or harp on existing hosting solutions depends on one’s organizational structure. Where the issues involved are around data migration, or around security, the concept of cloud computing fits the bill more firmly. Many conflicts within the organization as regards opting for mode of hosting can be formidably resolved by pondering on the questions as set forth.
You have to know the availability of resources an organization has to build its infrastructure as much as it would be pertinent to dwell into the startup costs of software licensing. Also, the extent to which the IT resources would be required for its setup would certainly be worth queering into. Likewise, if the IT department is strong enough to handle such setup so as to enhance its efficiency is something worth pondering upon before the choice of cloud computing hosting is made. Apart from cost benefits, cloud computing is formidable way to enhance small businesses for the following reasons.
1. Negligible initial costs: As the need for installing huge servers or the expenses attributed to the hiring of IT departments can be avoided by making cloud computing hosting as your choice of hosting solution, the initial incur of costs can be curtailed to a great extent, this why many small and medium sized businesses favor cloud hosting.
2. Very efficient: Cloud hosting can absolve your business from unnecessary IT staff hiring, which is why your business can focus and run efficiently on creating new products, or on finding innovative and technologically advanced path for prospering in its segment of business.
3. Devoid of Maintenance: Cloud computing is devoid of any maintenance as required by traditional hosting model. As such, it absolves a company from the headaches of up-gradation, otherwise required in the tracking of hosting solutions.
4. Speedy deployment: Cloud computing can be hosted in a very short span of time without needing the purchase of any hardware or cabling and routing systems. Setting such hosting is therefore speedy and which could take hardly any weeks for its fully-fledged set-up.
5. Security and licensing issues fully regulated: Cloud computing has its own dedicated staff which adheres to issues pertaining to security or even upgrades on regular basis. Software licensing issues such as license expiry and its renewal can be regulated by default without any burden on its users.
Cloud computing is not only technologically advanced but by far the most innovative mode worth incorporating in your business environment, so as to absolve you from unnecessary problems of high costs and routine regulations which can be faced via traditional form of hosting.