Humor Magazine

5 Baseball Cards For Major Leaguers That Don't Exist

By Gerard @presurfer
In the history of cinema, there have been many wonderful baseball stories. And each of these stories have baseball characters, players who live the stories we get to watch. Some of these players are real, like Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. And then there are some who aren't. They're fictional; completely made-up.
5 Baseball Cards For Major Leaguers That Don't Exist
Real-life ballplayers have baseball cards. But what about the fictional ones? Jon Baas decided to do a little exploring and see what he could come up with. He wanted to find baseball cards representing fictitious ballplayers. After a great deal of searching, he finally found and put together a collection of 5 fictional MLB players who have real, tangible baseball cards.The Presurfer

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