Arts & Crafts Magazine


By Leonied
A:     You are such a wonderful big sister and big girl. So caring, so gentle, so motherly. You've always been like this. Being a big emotional girl who wears her heart on her sleeve can be hard at times, but seriously, the way you care about everyone and everything so affectionately makes me all gooey inside xx
L:    Being the little sister suits you well. You can wind everyone around your little finger and love love the attention you get from your big sisters. You are pretty adorable though, so it's not a hard sell giving in to that little face xx
H:    Playing badminton with the neighbours - like everything else you do, you were serious about trying your best and getting the hang of it. It was hilarious to watch and I had to race out to snap some pics of the moment. You are a great big and little sister to the other two. Being in your position in the family and having your mindset makes you a wonderful team-player and leader - knowing and instinctively taking on the right roles and positions depending on the situation. Such a joy to us all xx
Joining in with Jodi @ Practising Simplicity

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