From what began as a quiet list of 25 bloggers posted back in February 2011, is now nearing a resounding 200 count. That would by month's end there will be over TWO HUNDRED bloggers in their forties, fifities, sixties and beyond, blogging about personal style + fashion.
Yup. You might feel invisible, but you are blogger, hear you roar. Whether you are re-discovering your own style, sharing your personal style or on a mission to help others with their style, you are in good company. And for those who appreciate style for all ages, this list is a great start to explore the diverse spectrum of style.
Here's some of the newest additions to the +40 Blog Roll.
This Month on the +40 Blog Roll:
- Bag and A Beret
- Allways in Fashion
- Bad Advice
- Dividing Moments
- Femme et Fleur
- Girl Re-worked
- Grit and Glamour <---Happy 40th, V!
- Highly Irregular Style
- In My 40's and a Thrifter Diva
- Mirabillis Fashions
- Nora's Notebook
- Seen in Sacramento
- She Loves Outfits
- Shoe Axis
- Spelunkia
- The Fashionable Bureaucrat
- The Lazy Mazei Files
- The Online Stylist
- Truly Becoming
- Tziporah Salmon
If you know of someone who is over forty years of age and blogs about fashion/style, please let me know in the comments, and I'll add their blog to the list!
This post is part of Visible Mondays. You can see other visible, and confident people over at Not Yet Dead Style.