At some point, we all fall into a personal style. It might be through choice or by accident, but however it happened, a habit forms, and soon it is difficult to dress or look any other way. So what happens if you think you might want to change your style? How can you change the way you have been dressing for perhaps many years? It sounds like a difficult task, but it is possible. Here are some tips on how to do it.

What Is Your Current Style?
Defining what your current style is should be the first step in finding a new one. If you don't know where you are now, it will be much more difficult to work out where you are going next. Look at the kinds of clothes you wear and the way you style your hair and wear make up (if you wear any at all), for example, and you will get a good idea of what your style really is. You may never have even thought about it before, so this is an important step. Once you know what your style is, you can work out which aspects of it you want to change.
What Do You Like?
Before you can start working out a new style, you will need to know what you like in terms of fashion, and what you don't like. One useful way to do this is to create a mood board which will enable you to put together everything that you definitely want to try to include in your new style. If you're not sure how to do this, you can find out how to make a mood board online, and even download templates. It is a skill that you can use in many different areas of life, and it makes decision making a lot easier.
To get ideas for your mood board, look through magazines, make notes about what people are wearing on TV or in the movies, go out to a café and watch the people walking by as you drink a coffee. Other people will give you new ideas and inspiration that you can put together to create your own style.
Be Comfortable
Having a complete change of style is exciting and fun, but it can also be uncomfortable. If you do too much too quickly, especially if you've never really even thought about your own personal style before, then you might regret what you have done and instantly change back. If you change one aspect at a time and get used to it, deciding whether or not you really like it, and then move onto the next, you are more likely to stick with your new style and be comfortable with it.
Trust Yourself
When you try on an outfit or look at a new hairstyle, you will know right away whether or not you like it. Stick with that initial decision and really trust yourself - you know what is best for you, after all. If you go against your true feelings, you will find that you're just not happy with your new look and you won't want to show it off at all.