Long time ago, I decided to start blogging to help someone find some useful stuff, solutions to problems and also to utilize my free time. With no sense of blogging, promotion, publicity, social media and effectiveness. No knowledge of any CMS. I wrote my first blog post on 21 Oct 2009. And today I am here on 21 Oct 2013, celebrating 4 years of successful blogging. Though I am not a full time blogger and social media freak, I try to be active on social media whenever I get time.
Its because of number of readers and visitors I got, Its you, I am able to continue this blog. Thank you for your continued support.

4 Years of Blogging
How I started Blogging ?
I was working with one of my friend and ran into some issue. After searching on google and in different forums, still we were not able to solve the issue. Most of the solutions were half way and present at different places. Finally we were able to solve that issue by doing lot of R&D (as we both were freshers into this). At that moment, Blogging came into thoughts. We wanted to share this information with others, who are like us and stuck with issues and not able to find answers. So after lot of thinking we came up with name,PROWEBGURU, with a tag line “Share a Word with World“. And registered a domain “PROWEBGURU.COM” in Sep 2009 and wrote my first blog post on 21 Oct 2009.
Whats Next after domain is booked ?
After purchasing a domain and web hosting, now whats next ? Being a fresher in IT and having no knowledge of any blogging platform, I started exploring different blogging platforms and CMS. And finally landed up using WORDPRESS as a blogging platform for my blog.
Which hosting do I use ?
I recently started using Hostgator hosting, which I personally found very good in terms of uptime and speed. If you are interested in reliable hostgator hosting then just visit hostgator.com and buy affordable, reliable hosting. Just enter promo code “PROGATOR25” and you will get 25% discount on your hostgator hosting plan purchase.
Prior to this I was using hostgator hosting from http://milkhost.in/, but due to more bandwidth usage, I had to directly shift to hostgator. But for a new blog http://milkhost.in/ hosting is good as it is very cost effective.
Why WordPress ?
I chose WordPress, because its easy to install and setup. Even a fresher or a person with not much knowledge of programming can install wordpress and start blogging. Its just like installing a software and writing in word. Other than that from Search Engine perspective, wordpress has good number of SEO tools. Its has lots of plugins which can be installed easily without any coding and expected functionality can be achieved easily. Even look and feel of the website can be easily changed without affecting existing posts, with the help of themes. I recently changed theme on 9 Oct 2013.
The Challenge in Blogging ?
I started writing on blog, as and when I get time. As I am not a full time professional blogger, it was difficult for me to be active on blogging and on social media. But I tried to do whatever I could do in my free time. I was getting good number of visits but still something was missing… The Active Communication and Presence. But I realized this thing very recently.
How I solved above problem ?
I became active on twitter on my twitter account @prowebguru. Now a days even I am active on facebook at http://facebook.com/prowebguru. If you like to get in touch with me, then just send me a twitter mention or just add me on facebook.
Other than this I became the part of JUSTRETWEET. Its an awesome service which helps you to get more retweets, get more mentions and get more twitter traffic. Other than this, this tool helps you to get more facebook likes and shares. Even it helps you to get more google plus likes and shares. After joining this service I have seen very good exposure for my blog on twitter, facebook and google plus. Signup for JUSTRETWEET and get more twitter publicity and traffic in a proper way from active twitter users.
What I blog about ?
I blog about Javascript, Jquery, Javascript frameworks, Jquery frameworks, PHP, Social media, Programming, Facebook and some updates about social media. Even I post some solutions to problems I faced while coding or browsing or using any tool software.
Want to know Alexa Rank ?
I now have a good alexa rank. Presently Global Alexa Rank is 116,370 and Rank in India is 18,611. You can check latest alexa rank at http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.prowebguru.com
Do I Earn some Real MONEY from Blogging ?
Yes. I do. I have Google Adsense ads running on my blog, which helps me generate some revenue. Also I have some advertising slots on my blog which I kept for advertising. If you are interested in advertising then check details below.
What I do with money earned from blog ?
Presently I do not earn much money, but whatever amount I earn, I reinvest into blogging, domain renewal, web hosting. If I earn some more money, I would hire a professional photoshop expert for creating some images and pics for my blog.
Want to Advertise ?
Presently I have 4 Ad slots of 125×125 size available on my blog for advertising. If you are interested in advertising on my blog then please get in touch with me on my contact page. Or just send me a Private Message on Facebook and I will revert back to you with details as soon as possible.
I have Some tools
If you are visiting my blog for the first time, then do not forget to check these tools.
- Free Online Image Extractor - This tool helps you to extract images from any page url. This tool fetches all images from entered url. Images extracted will be visible on the page. Just enter url of the page and it will show you all images of any webpage.
- Free Online IP Address Finder - Just enter the url of the website and it will show you the IP address of the domain or website.
- Free Online Watermark Generator - It helps you to put text watermark on any image. Just upload your image and enter the text you want to be embedded on image. You can choose location by dragging text on any part of the image.
Where is my presence on Internet ?
I am nowadays active on many social media sites. Visit me on following
- Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/prowebguru
- Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/prowebguru
- Google Plus - https://plus.google.com/u/0/103924578884522256081/posts
- Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/prowebguru
- RSS Feed - http://feeds.feedburner.com/Prowebguru
- Alexa - http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.prowebguru.com
- Indiblogger - http://www.indiblogger.in/blogger/25926/
Other than above social media sites, I am also on some other major social networks. Just search for prowebguru and you will find me.
Do you have any Suggestions for Me ?
If you have some suggestions for me, I would like to know them. Just comment it or send me a message on facebook.
Now a days blogging has become my hobby and I am looking forward to it as a major important thing in my life.
Whats your story ? Do you own a blog or website ? How you started ? Do let me know through comments, I would love to read your story.
4 Successful Years of Blogginghttp://www.prowebguru.com/2013/10/4-years-of-successful-blogging/http://www.prowebguru.com/wp-content/uploads/prowebguru-4-year-old.jpghttp://www.prowebguru.com/wp-content/uploads/prowebguru-4-year-old.jpg21 October 2013 ProWebGuru Social Mediaarticle,WordPressLong time ago, I decided to start blogging to help someone find some useful stuff, solutions to problems and also to utilize my free time. With no sense of blogging, promotion, publicity, social media and effectiveness. No knowledge of any CMS. I wrote my first blog post on 21 Oct 2009....Long time ago, I decided to start blogging to help someone find some useful stuff, solutions to problems and also to utilize my free time. With no sense of blogging, promotion, publicity, social media and effectiveness. No knowledge of any CMS. I wrote my<a title="First Blog Post on Prowebguru and How I started blogging" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2009/10/freeware-for-system-optimization-cleaning/"> first blog post on 21 Oct 2009</a>. And today I am here on <strong>21 Oct 2013</strong>, celebrating <strong>4 years of successful blogging</strong>. Though I am not a full time blogger and social media freak, I try to be active on social media whenever I get time.<span id="more-1481"></span> <strong>Its because of number of readers and visitors I got, Its you, I am able to continue this blog. Thank you for your continued support.</strong> <h2>How I started Blogging ?</h2> I was working with one of my friend and ran into some issue. After searching on google and in different forums, still we were not able to solve the issue. Most of the solutions were half way and present at different places. Finally we were able to solve that issue by doing lot of R&D (as we both were freshers into this). At that moment, Blogging came into thoughts. We wanted to share this information with others, who are like us and stuck with issues and not able to find answers. So after lot of thinking we came up with name,<strong>PROWEBGURU, </strong>with a tag line "<strong>Share a Word with World</strong>". And registered a domain "<a title="Indian Technology Blog, Technical Indian Blog" href="http://www.prowebguru.com"><strong>PROWEBGURU.COM</strong></a>" in Sep 2009 and wrote my<a title="First Blog Post on Prowebguru and How I started blogging" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2009/10/freeware-for-system-optimization-cleaning/"> first blog post on 21 Oct 2009</a>. <h2>Whats Next after domain is booked ?</h2> After purchasing a domain and web hosting, now whats next ? Being a fresher in IT and having no knowledge of any blogging platform, I started exploring different blogging platforms and CMS. And finally landed up using <a title="Wordpress Free Open Source Blogging Platform" href="http://www.wordpress.org" target="_blank">WORDPRESS</a> as a blogging platform for my blog. <h2>Which hosting do I use ?</h2> I recently started using Hostgator hosting, which I personally found very good in terms of uptime and speed. If you are interested in reliable hostgator hosting then just visit <a title="Buy Cheap Affordable Reliable Hostgator Hosting. Get latest 25% Discount coupon code for hostgator hosting." href="http://secure.hostgator.com/~affiliat/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=prowebguru-PROGATOR25" target="_blank">hostgator.com</a> and buy affordable, reliable hosting. Just enter promo code "<strong>PROGATOR25</strong>" and you will <strong>get 25% discount on your hostgator hosting plan purchase</strong>. Prior to this I was using hostgator hosting from <a title="Cheap Hostgator Hosting in India, Affordable hosting india, indian hosting company" href="http://milkhost.in/" target="_blank">http://milkhost.in/</a>, but due to more bandwidth usage, I had to directly shift to hostgator. But for a new blog <a title="Reliable hosting india, cheap hosting plans in india, indian affordatable cheap reliable hosting" href="http://milkhost.in/" target="_blank">http://milkhost.in/</a> hosting is good as it is very cost effective. <h2>Why WordPress ?</h2> I chose WordPress, because its easy to install and setup. Even a fresher or a person with not much knowledge of programming can install wordpress and start blogging. Its just like installing a software and writing in word. Other than that from Search Engine perspective, wordpress has good number of SEO tools. Its has lots of plugins which can be installed easily without any coding and expected functionality can be achieved easily. Even look and feel of the website can be easily changed without affecting existing posts, with the help of themes. I recently <a title="Wordpress Theme Change " href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2013/10/change-in-wordpress-theme/">changed theme on 9 Oct 2013</a>. <h2>The Challenge in Blogging ?</h2> I started writing on blog, as and when I get time. As I am not a full time professional blogger, it was difficult for me to be active on blogging and on social media. But I tried to do whatever I could do in my free time. I was getting good number of visits but still something was missing... The Active Communication and Presence. But I realized this thing very recently. <h2>How I solved above problem ?</h2> I became active on twitter on my twitter account <a title="Prowebguru on Twitter" href="http://twitter.com/prowebguru" target="_blank">@prowebguru</a>. Now a days even I am active on facebook at <a title="Prowebguru On Facebook" href="http://facebook.com/prowebguru" target="_blank">http://facebook.com/prowebguru</a>. If you like to get in touch with me, then just send me a twitter mention or just add me on facebook. Other than this I became the part of <a title="Get more twitter retweets, get more twitter mentions, get more facebook likes, get more google plus likes and shares" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2013/06/increase-twitter-retweets-followers-with-justretweet/">JUSTRETWEET</a>. Its an awesome service which helps you to get more retweets, get more mentions and get more twitter traffic. Other than this, this tool helps you to get more facebook likes and shares. Even it helps you to get more google plus likes and shares. After joining this service I have seen very good exposure for my blog on twitter, facebook and google plus. <a title="Justretweet signup for more twitter retweets, mentions, facebook shares, googleplus shares" href="http://www.justretweet.com/?a_aid=5133916b4fb86" target="_blank">Signup for JUSTRETWEET</a> and get more twitter publicity and traffic in a proper way from active twitter users. <h2>What I blog about ?</h2> I blog about Javascript, Jquery, Javascript frameworks, Jquery frameworks, PHP, Social media, Programming, Facebook and some updates about social media. Even I post some solutions to problems I faced while coding or browsing or using any tool software. <h2>Want to know Alexa Rank ?</h2> I now have a good alexa rank. Presently <strong>Global Alexa Rank is 116,370</strong> and <strong>Rank in India is 18,611</strong>. You can check latest alexa rank at <a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.prowebguru.com">http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.prowebguru.com</a> <h2>Do I Earn some Real MONEY from Blogging ?</h2> Yes. I do. I have Google Adsense ads running on my blog, which helps me generate some revenue. Also I have some advertising slots on my blog which I kept for advertising. If you are interested in advertising then check details below. <h2>What I do with money earned from blog ?</h2> Presently I do not earn much money, but whatever amount I earn, I reinvest into blogging, domain renewal, web hosting. If I earn some more money, I would hire a professional photoshop expert for creating some images and pics for my blog. <h2>Want to Advertise ?</h2> Presently I have <strong>4 Ad slots of 125x125</strong> size <strong>available</strong> on my blog <strong>for advertising</strong>. If you are interested in advertising on my blog then please get in touch with me on my <a title="send email to prowebguru or get in touch with prowebguru" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/contact/">contact</a> page. Or just send me a Private Message on <a title="Send private message on facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/prowebguru">Facebook</a> and I will revert back to you with details as soon as possible. <h2>I have Some tools</h2> If you are visiting my blog for the first time, then do not forget to check these tools. <ul> <li><a title="Extract images from any website easily with free online image extractor tool" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2011/12/free-online-image-extractor/">Free Online Image Extractor </a>- This tool helps you to extract images from any page url. This tool fetches all images from entered url. Images extracted will be visible on the page. Just enter url of the page and it will show you all images of any webpage.</li> <li><a title="Find IP Address of Any Website with this free online ip address finder tool" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2011/01/website-ip-address-finder-find-ip-address/">Free Online IP Address Finder</a> - Just enter the url of the website and it will show you the IP address of the domain or website.</li> <li><a title="Generate text watermark on any image online with this free online watermark generator tool" href="http://www.prowebguru.com/2010/09/free-online-text-image-watermark-generator-beta-1-0/">Free Online Watermark Generator</a> - It helps you to put text watermark on any image. Just upload your image and enter the text you want to be embedded on image. You can choose location by dragging text on any part of the image.</li> </ul> <h2>Where is my presence on Internet ?</h2> I am nowadays active on many social media sites. Visit me on following <ul> <li><span style="line-height: 13px;"><strong>Twitter</strong> - <a title="prowebguru twitter account" href="http://www.twitter.com/prowebguru" target="_blank">http://www.twitter.com/prowebguru</a></span></li> <li><strong>Facebook</strong> - <a title="prowebguru facebook account" href="http://www.facebook.com/prowebguru" target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/prowebguru</a></li> <li><strong>Google Plus</strong> - <a title="Prowebguru on Google Plus" href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/103924578884522256081/posts" target="_blank">https://plus.google.com/u/0/103924578884522256081/posts</a></li> <li><strong>Youtube</strong> - <a title="prowebguru youtube account" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/prowebguru" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/user/prowebguru</a></li> <li><strong>RSS Feed</strong> - <a title="prowebguru rss feed" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/Prowebguru" target="_blank">http://feeds.feedburner.com/Prowebguru</a></li> <li><strong>Alexa</strong> - <a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.prowebguru.com">http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.prowebguru.com</a></li> <li><strong>Indiblogger</strong> - <a title="Indian technology bloggers blog links" href="http://www.indiblogger.in/blogger/25926/" target="_blank">http://www.indiblogger.in/blogger/25926/</a></li> </ul> Other than above social media sites, I am also on some other major social networks. Just search for prowebguru and you will find me. <h2>Do you have any Suggestions for Me ?</h2> If you have some suggestions for me, I would like to know them. Just comment it or send me a message on facebook. <strong>Now a days blogging has become my hobby and I am looking forward to it as a major important thing in my life.</strong> <strong>Whats your story ? Do you own a blog or website ? How you started ? Do let me know through comments, I would love to read your story.</strong> ProWebGuru103924578884522256081 prowebguru2009@gmail.comAdministratorProWebGuru