So what do you do when you can't get away as a couple? You have a STAYCATION! Between Christmas and New Years Hubs and I had a week off of work together and it was AWESOME. We caught up on TV, watched movies, went on day dates, and played games.

You can take advantage of your usual child-care
The advantage of a staycation when you are a parent is that you can utilize your usual child-care if you don't have access to childcare to go on vacation. Each day we brought BabyCakes to daycare as usual, and then had the days to ourselves.You can rekindle your pre-kid couple vibe
Becoming parents changes you as a couple. We've been a family of three for a while now and I love it, but there is something special about our couple only moments. A staycation allows you to rekindle how things were before your bundle of joy made their entrance, being in your home and interacting with each other without parenting, going on spontaneous dates, etc.
It helps you enjoy your children more
I was so amazed at how much energy I had to play with my daughter during our staycation. I was excited for her to come home, planning more activities for us to do and enjoying more playtime with her. When you have time to relax and enjoy yourself and your partner, it leaves you with more energy to care for your child when they are home.It allows for intentional relaxation in your home
You would think that you always relax when you're home but that just isn't the case. You're doing housework, working on work and side projects, etc. A staycation allows you to have intentional and dedicated relaxation time in your home, a luxury we don't often have.If you can't make it on a full vacation with your spouse consider a staycation. They definitely have their benefits!