Tech Magazine

4 Reasons to Start a Home Improvement Blog

Posted on the 16 January 2015 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Some people have argued that traditional blogging is dead. They say social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook and Instagram have replaced it. As popular as these sites are, saying that they’ve replaced traditional blogs is far from the truth. According to Eric Pangburn of, there were millions of blogs across multiple platforms on the Internet in 2013, and there are more blogs being created all the time.

Blogging is far from dead, and there are still countless blogs all over the Internet about every subject imaginable, including home improvement. Maintaining a home improvement blog is pretty easy, and there are several reasons why a contractor or architect should consider starting one. Here are just four to keep in mind.

Blogging for Exposure

One of the best reasons why a contractor would start a home improvement blog is because of the exposure it can provide. Blogging can allow a contractor to establish their expertise and knowledge in a format that could potentially be seen by millions of people all around the world. Naturally, the ones who are most likely to read a home improvement blog are other contractors or those who have an interest in construction. These readers become colleagues, and eventually they can form a large and valuable professional network.

Blogging to Promote a Product

Those in the home improvement industry often find themselves promoting different products, whether those are tools or specific parts used in construction. Depending on how influential a particular contractor may be, these promotional blog posts can be very effective. For example, a line of brass railings can sell very well if they are endorsed by a popular home improvement blogger, and some bloggers may have even gotten their start writing advertisements and how-to articles for websites that specialize in selling construction parts and supplies, say industry experts.

Blogging for Fun

Blogging expert Susan Gunelius has said that the most common reason why people blog about any subject is because it’s fun. While there are plenty of contractors who could stand to benefit and profit from keeping a blog, many may choose to as part of their hobby. They might be starting a home improvement project of their own, and they might decide to document it on their blog. People like to read things like this, and they may be inspired to attempt a project of their own.

Blogging to Educate Readers

Finally, many contractors keep home improvement blogs so they can educate people about their favorite subject. Construction is a difficult subject for someone to simply pick up; they need to be taught to perform certain tasks correctly and safely. Reading a few hundreds words online about building a deck may not be the ideal solution for someone who has never built a deck before, but it does give them a great place to start. How-to and do-it-yourself blog posts are very popular, and they can provide a reader with a solid foundation they can build on with experience and further education. They are clearly some of the most valuable home improvement blogs on the Internet, and they can be a great way for a contractor to improve their reputation.

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