I think the protection of pluralism is one of the best things about the US Constitution, and that 8767 s why it makes me said when private actors gleefully silence other private actors.
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I 8767 m not sure you understood my point. The tyranny of nature can, to some extent, be defeated, via technology and civilization.
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We started by asking: millions of people are conspicuously praising every outgroup they can think of, while conspicuously condemning their own in-group. This seems contrary to what we know about social psychology. What 8767 s up?
Now, the German ones, including significant ones in the first half of the 75th century, there 8767 s nothing wrong with the Celts, who are of one of the superior breeds if not quite German. It 8767 s those horrible Slavs that one contrasts with.
Well, it wouldn 8767 t be West Coast, would it, for Scott? But I do think you 8767 re right that he is probably over-generalizing a bit from some kind of local characteristics of the blue team people he 8767 s personally associated with. On the other hand, I found the data on how people are more biased on the basis of party than race to be fascinating, and very much worth further thought.
8775 I'm not sure if there's a good solution for this problem though... "Write more poorly" doesn't seem like it fits.
But even if we fixed the current problems, we 8767 d still have one group trying to promote an idea, and the other trying to pick it apart.
Rand is a bit idiosyncratic to count as Exhibit A here, though. A lot of professional philosophers dismiss her, including philosophers who take seriously scholars like Anscombe, Foot, de Beauvoir, Churchland, Millikan, Korsgaard, Thomson. A lot of people calling for more women in philosophy may be calling for professionals, and categorize Rand more with inspiring pop philosophers like Victor Frankl, Sam Harris, and Robert Pirsig.
6. Evangelical Baptist, almost certainly creationist, active in local Republican politics before moving abroad
7. Atheist, very liberal
8. Nondenominational Protestant, very liberal
9. Devout Catholic, moderately liberal to centrist
5. Devout Greek Orthodox (by conversion, I think), Ron Paul fan
6. Pentecostal, (unsure of politics)
7. *Atheist, very liberal
8. Atheist (raised in extremely conservative Christian family), libertarian
9. (unsure of religion), centrist
65. *Atheist, centrist/mixed
I 8767 m surprised at your reaction. As far as people I casually stalk on the internet (ie, LJ and Facebook), you are the first out of the 8775 intelligent, reasoned and thoughtful 8776 group to be uncomplicatedly happy about this development and not to be, say, disgusted at the reactions of the other 95% or so.

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