Fashion Magazine

3rd Blogiversary

By Boo_brown

3rd Blogiversary

So this little space of mine is turning 3!

I could get all sentimental about my 'baby' but instead i'm going to keep it short and sweet. The friends i have made from this blog have been the best thing about it, and i am so lucky to be part of the community. So much has changed in a year,not least my style, and i can't wait to see how it evolves over the next year. Hopefully you continue to enjoy this little blog of mine, thank you for reading.

3rd Blogiversary

To celebrate and say thank you, i am doing a little giveaway to win a £20 ASOS voucher. This giveaway is open internationally and will close on the 10th. The voucher will be sent via email. Good luck!

Becky x

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