I've decided to stick with my
3B Beauty Box subscription until the end of the year before reevaluating whether to keep it or not. Their recent boxes have featured better curations and they've also improved on service in terms of my box lands in my mailbox now. Previously i wasn't getting it until the latter half of each month and lately it's been arriving in the first or second week which is nice. This is my September 2016 box. The information card highlights honey which is the star ingredient in two of the products. While they've upgraded the design of the information cards, I have to say the product descriptions are still pretty poorly written. More often than not, I have to ask Google for more information on the products.3B which stands for Beauty Beyond Borders is a beauty subscription box that makes Asian beauty products more accessible overseas. This is a monthly service that costs $12. Each box contains 4 - 5 deluxe samples from a range of brands and the products are supposed to be "new or popular in Asia but hard to get your hands on". I would say that 3B is like an Asian beauty version of Birchbox or Ipsy. 3B is currently just a US based subscription service. This box is ideal for anyone interested in trying out Asian beauty products or can't access them easily. It looks like there ins't a waiting list anymore and you can just sign up for a 3B Box subscription now.CONTINUE READING ≫
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