Arts & Crafts Magazine


By Leonied
A trip to the beach was just the ticket for us girls this week.   A break from the usual post school routine, we headed to the beach for a change of scenery, fresh air and some fun.  Amazing what a difference it made, and how refreshed we all were for it.
A:    What a week we've had. On Monday night you lost your second tooth... unfortunately the tooth fairy was a bit preoccupied and forgot to visit during the night. Cue a very sad you on Tuesday morning... However, on Wednesday morning you awoke to a coin and a teeny card written by your fairy in her teeny writing explaining that she had an influx of teeth and had to attend a very special mouse birthday but had not for one minute forgotten you. You were so chuffed to have received this personal note and the tooth fairy's halo was restored.
L:    Wheeeeeeeee! Your grammar and language is evolving rapidly, though I still delight in words like "bumrella" instead of umbrella. I've also enjoyed watching you play with little friends lately in a much more mature fashion - playing together, interacting and compromising at the next level - well beyond the toddler "individualistic together" play.  I've been asked a few times, and again this week, you must be starting school soon? Not for anther 18 months if I can help it!
H:    You are such a technical girl with a mind for facts and data. Grilling me on all the details and technicalities of exactly how Josie was going to make it to Heaven. It made for some very creatively detailed conversations... You also received your first certificate at school assembly on Friday and were bursting with pride : )
L xx
Joining in with Jodi @ Practising Simplicity

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