Yes, you read that correctly; this will be my final bumpdate!
As we approach the end of pregnancy, there's not much changing except for the fact that she (and I) are packing on the pounds for D day. I've realized that once we move to GA, it may be a few days to a week before we can get someone out to schedule internet and cable and that without internet, I can't post on this here blog.
So this is the last of my bumpdates so to speak. But besides the no internet thing, we may have some other issues that are of much more concern that not being able to post on the blog...
Snapped this before heading to the doctor yesterday...
I went to the doctor yesterday and had my first internal exam. Now this may not interest or mean anything to a lot of you but let me break it down in simple terms.You can begin dilating weeks before your due date. Once you get to 10, you push baby out. I went into the hospital to get induced with Nolan when I was at 4; which is the normal amount of dilation to get an epidural. I think I got my epidural at 5 but that's a horse of a different color. Basically, after my appointment yesterday, I learned that I was 2 and stretching to 3 cm dilated. He also felt baby's head and didn't think I would make it to my due date.
So what does that mean? Well, it could mean I deliver tomorrow or deliver in 4 weeks... no one really knows. But it also sent me into a wave of shock as I realized that the more I dilate, the closer I am to having baby. And the closer I am to having baby, the less safe it is for me to drive 13 hours to Georgia.
So now we are faced with a dilemma. Do I stay and deliver Miss P here? That means Zach missing the birth and traveling with a newborn baby.
Do we leave it up to chance and make the drive to Georgia? What will I do if I go into labor on the drive? Am I too far dilated to travel that far and with so many uncertainties?
So now I've stressed myself out more than I was before. I expected to be dilated but to hear I am that far dilated at 36 weeks? Kind of a reality check.
I haven an appointment Tuesday morning and we will be reevaluating our plans after that. If I'm 5-6 cm, they may tell me travel is too risky and suggest I don't go. In that case, we are unsure of whether Z will head to Georgia to check in, sign for our house and wait for the movers and then come back. Or just stay there.
Do I want him to miss the birth? Absolutely not. Do I want to spend MORE time apart? That would be a hell to the no.
But right now, we have no idea what to do or think and this here diva is kind of running the show.
So please, I ask for your prayers as we approach this weekend and wait for my appointment Tuesday. I will keep you all updated and let you know what we decide!
Baby watch is REALLY on now... ;)