When will I get the labor pain?
How can I know whether the pain is real labor pain?
What does labor pain feel like?
How bad is labor pain?
If you are a mom reading this, you would have asked these questions to yourself and your friends a hundred times from your last trimester (yeah I know, been there; done that )
If you are a mom to be, I am sure these questions would have already got popped in your mind.
Today I write about the 31 things about labor pain no one tells you

It's said,
Going into labor:This is enough to send a lot of moms, especially, first time moms into panic mode. Relax! Rather than panicking, grab everything that you know that helps to calm you down.
Grab your hospital bag and leave for the hospital, for it's an exciting journey ahead.
31 Unique things about labor pain you might haven't heard of:
Pregnancy is a beautiful feeling they said. And on December 6 th I found out how the whole going into labor experience is even rosier! (No I am not lying, but I do have a habit of being sarcastic.)
If you are one of the people who laughed at the hilarious birth scenes in movies, I can assure you that you wouldn't be laughing now.
#1. The pain doesn't wait for the due dateBy now you should know that due dates, while important, are not entirely to be trusted. So if you get contractions (not the harmless Braxton Hicks) and it isn't your due date, don't wait for the feeling to pass. Unless you want to deliver your baby at home and go old school.
#2. The pain won't start the moment the water breaks
Labor is not exactly like what you see in the movies.
You may or may not realize when your water breaks. So the pain might start a lot later. It is normal and nothing to be alarmed about.
#3. You may forget all about those breathing exercisesYou may have been practicing those breathing exercises to help you during the labor.
I did and I was stellar but on the actual day I wasn't even breathing normally, let alone do the exercise. So my advice, breathe, and that will remind you to stick to doing the exercises.
Everybody is a little scared when it comes to child birth.
Some of you have taken a peek at those you tube videos on child birth and feel like you are doomed. While it is ok to be scared, it can actually make the delivery more painful.
Fear makes you clench all the muscles and this can make things hard. So just breathe!!!
Oh who am I kidding, you wouldn't want to but then you need to.
#5. Don't look around too much
Chances are that you may lay your eyes on some really scary looking instruments. They can really mess with your mind and scare you further. So, just concentrate on your breathing.
#6. The actual delivery may not be the most painful part
Most women say that the contractions were the worst part of the whole experience. I have to side with the majority on this one.
After going through contractions, the actually delivery seemed painless to me.
#7. Where exactly does it hurt?
Some women complain of lower back aches, some say their thighs hurt and some feel that their body is in the grinder. So which one tells you that you are going into labor?
Well, it could be anything.
Pains combined with the water breaking and longer contractions that have smaller intervals indicates that your little one is on his way out.
#8. It feels like periods on fire, but then you feel like you need to poop.
Think your periods are bad?
Think again, for when the contractions kick in, it feels like you are having the worst period of your life. Fortunately the pain comes in waves, so you do have your moments of calm.
After that comes yet another type of contraction, this makes you think that you are going to soil yourself. But rather than feeling embarrassed, you can heave a sigh of relief, for this type is the one that tells you that the baby is making his/her way through the birth canal.
Funny thing is that apart from letting out gas, some of us actually end up soiling ourselves a little. But it is completely natural and the doctors and nurses, will just pretend as if it didn't happen.
Really, it's no big deal compared to that fact that you are pushing out a tiny human!
#9. Pain can make you a completely different person
I am a petite framed person and would fall into the non-violent category on a normal day. But during my delivery, I had transformed into She-Hulk (not the size though).
My doctor asked me to push and I managed to push the doctor half way across the room!
You may feel like you have multiple personality disorder. The doctor, nurses and family members may find themselves at the receiving end of your fury.
This is completely normal and you can patch things up after the delivery
#10. You may feel like throwing up
Many women may feel like they are going to vomit. This feeling could be due to two reasons- a drop in blood pressure or the magnitude of pain.
The drop in blood pressure can occur after you have received an epidural.
Make sure you don't have anything heavy and have a few sips of water.
#11. You may feel like walking to shake away the pain
Some of you may feel like walking or doing anything but lying down to cope with the pain. In the words of my doctor, if you haven't started crowning yet, walk!
The more relaxed you are, the easier the delivery will be.
#12. Dehydration can worsen the pain
Dehydration can unleash a lot of demons in you. It makes a significant contribution to pain levels when you go into labor. Lack of water can hamper the ability of the uterus to contact properly. Apart from that it also causes a drastic drop in energy levels.
If you like to eat while you are tensed, I have got some bad news.
You can't eat if they administer drugs for contractions! So make sure you have dealt with all your cravings before you go into labor, just to be sure.
After you are in, it is just water. But that is something you need like I mentioned above.
#14. The bond with your doctor matters
There is a reason why they say, you need to be comfortable with your OB-GYN. The bond you develop with your doctor can actually help you!
You need to be on the same page and you need to work as a team.
#15. You will think your doctor is your nemesis
Now you know why the previous point is so important. Despite your level of comraderie, there is a chance that you think the doctor wants the worst for you.
I wanted my doctor to stay out, because I thought I could do everything without him. Truth be told, you can and can't.
Well, you need to push but he needs to check to see if you are doing everything right. Keep reminding yourself that your doctor wants the best for you.
#16. The surroundingsApart from the bond with your doctor, the surroundings also play a vital role in making you feel calm and composed.
I had a nurse who was on duty the day I went into labor. The first words out of her mouth on seeing me was, "oh this one's for the night shift" (it was still very early in the morning).
My reaction was, "I have to deal with the pain for a whole day?" I was anything but calm after that.
#17. You can't stopI remember telling my doctor, "How about I take a nap, and then we start afresh?" But turns out, there is no stop button in motherhood.
You may feel like giving up and all the pushing can get taxing, but hey, you are now a superhero called mom.
- so you have got to keep pushing.
#18. You start imagining the worse
You are in there for a while and have been pushing and nothing seems to be happening. So naturally, your thoughts go to the worst stories you have heard.
Bringing you to what I said in the first point. Relax, nothing will happen.
You have got to gather your wits and just think of happy thoughts. Ooh think of all the fun shopping you will get to do once the baby is out!!
#19. Things changeIf you like to be in charge of the situation, then going into labor can be a bit difficult for you. It might not go according to what you have in mind.
Just remember go with the flow, listen to your doctor and breathe.
#20. The pain is not the worst partYou are in a lot of pain but then there is an army of medical personnel looking at your private parts.
You are trying to cling on to the last of your shame but by the time you are done chances are you will be left with none.
#21. You can never be prepared
You may be a first time mom or a second timer or an experienced third timer but you can never be 'prepared' for dealing with labor pain.
#22. The pain is not constant
Fortunately mommas, the pain is not same throughout the labor. You will get moments of respite before it flares up again.
At the beginning the time outs are longer but towards the actual birthing, the gaps becomes smaller.
#23. Epidural doesn't help you through outThe epidural can wear out if you are in labor for long.
#24. It is ok to cryThe entire experience can be over whelming and you may feel like bawling your eyes out. It is ok, let it out.
Nobody is judging you. If they are feel free to hurl whatever is lying the closest to you and blame it on the hormones.
#25. It is ok to ask for an epidural or a C section
If you feel that you bear the pain and need an epidural or want a C Section, ask for it. That doesn't make you any less of a great mom. You can also read why I screamed for epidural.
But as I said before our doctor knows what's best for us and will suggest anything that is required - be it an emergency C section depending upon your blood pressure and others.
You can also read why normal delivery is the best for you and your baby.
#26. Apart from the pain, you may feel like you are running a marathon
Going into labor is taxing, after all you are pushing a baby out, it is no mean feat!
Most of the new moms can walk back easily to their room post-delivery no matter the huge amount of energy spent in the labor room.
Don't worry, you will be perfect!
Don't worry about messing up, you have the doctors and nurses around to guide you.
#28. It's not the same for everyone
We are all different so the feeling is different for each person. While a lot of things are common, each story is as unique as the little wonders in our lives.
While I spent a whole day in excruciating pain despite being famous in my family for high pain threshold, my mom didn't even realize when she delivered me [had to be, I am a good kid, you see :P]
If you think you are off the hook after the delivery, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it will hurt after the delivery too. Each time you need to use the loo you may feel sore.
Don't worry; it isn't as bad as the birthing. In a way, it is essential, to remind you to take care of your stitches.
#30. Your baby - The best pain killer ever
All the blood and tears were forgotten the moment I laid eyes on my precious little girl.
I was so elated that I kept talking and laughing and even walked back to the room. So all your hard work will pay off!
#31. You may or may not forget your labor painWhen being asked about planning a second baby, this is my answer to my elders and relatives- 'labor pain - can't forget it'. To which they always remind me 'labor pain would be forgotten with time, that's the essence of motherhood'.
Well, it depends I guess.
Some may forget labor pain, some may remember even the minute details of labor.
In my case, I still shiver at the sight of rubber gloves.
A big shout out to the expectant moms out there! Hang in there, remember to breathe and by the end of it you can proudly say- Yes! I have done it!!
Now the next question is for the experienced moms, how did you deal with your labor pain? Share with me your hilarious and happy moments in the comments.