Hello everyone! For all you cold process soapers out there, don’t you just love finding new recipes? Or maybe you’re just tired of making the same old soaps over and over. Well do I have a solution for you! Here at Nature’s Garden we offer tons of free recipes for many products! And come on, who turns down free? Here are 30 free CP soap recipes available for you!
1. Beginner’s Soap A great recipe if you are just starting out in your soap making!

2. World Peace Soap Your kids will love these tie dye colored peace signs!

3. Hippies and Hemp Soap Another great tie dye recipe that everyone will love!

5. Lemonade Soap A favorite drink for a hot day, and an awesome soap for bath time?

7. Hot Fudge Brownies Soap Your sweet tooth will go nuts at the name alone!

8. Oatmeal Milk Soap Oatmeal milk is a soap that is sure to relax you after a long day!

9. Royal Honey Bee Soap You will become the queen bee in your house with this soap.

10. Caramel Custard Soap The name alone sounds delicious enough to eat, doesn’t it?

11. Baby Shower Soap What an adorable gift for the mom-to-be, or even fun baby shower favors!

12. St. Patty’s Day Soap Let yourself go crazy with some green fever!

13. Carrot Soap A fun “treat” for your kids to leave on Easter for the Easter bunny!

14. Pumpkin Puree Soap A homey fun way to celebrate the fall season and the spookiest day of the year!

15. Beer Soap Let’s not forget about our lovable men! Beer Soap is perfect for a bachelor party or a special game!

16. Blueberry Cheesecake Soap Doesn’t it just make your mouth water?

17. Wine Soap Another perfect soap to help unwind from a long day.

18. Total Hot Man Soap Hot Man. Ladies, what more explanation do you need?

19. Hunters Soap For all those manly hunters out there!

20. Blackberry Sage Soap Another relaxing addition to your home with it’s special scent.

21. Calendula Sunshine Soap Warm and happy thoughts of sunshine will surround you!

22. Cleopatra Heavy Cream Soap Pyramids and ancient Egypt will invade your thoughts!

23. Energize Soap Anyone need an energy boost? Your loved ones are sure to love this boost!

24. Argan Soap The beautiful designs of our argan soap recipe are sure to make everyone happy!

25. Creamy Cocoa Craziness Soap Cocoa=chocolate. Just yum!

26. Manly Soap Another one for all our manly men out there!

27. Peppered Poppy Seed Soap These flowered shapes soaps are sure to remind you of new Spring flowers!

28. Pineapple Paprika Soap One spicy unique combination that is sure to be remembered!

29. Sweet Wheatgrass Soap Another calming and relaxing soap to help you unwind!

30. Sweet Orange Chili Pepper Soap With such an intriguing name you just have to try it!

You should definitely try each and every one of these! You just can’t go wrong! And make sure to watch for more Enlightened by Layla!