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30 Days of Blogging (D.I.Y. and Paper Tips) Day Seven: Misc. Tools

30 Days of Blogging (D.I.Y. and Paper Tips) Day Seven: Misc. Tools
Happy Monday! Welcome to Day 7 in our series! Today, I'd like to introduce you to a few tools that you may or may not have heard of. I have a drafting background so there are some tools that I know will be useful to you, but they are not as mainstream as others you will find in Michael's or Hobby Lobby. Some of the following items can be found at Dick Blick's or your local art supply store. They have wider selections since those stores are marketing to serious artists/students.
1. Rubber Cement Pickup/Lift
This is the one of the most important tools that a crafter or D.I.Y. bride can own... A rubber cement pickup is a rough textured square that should be thought of as a "glue eraser". Glue residue left on paper products is the kiss of death. No matter how beautiful your concept, if it is assembled without attention paid to detail, it will end up looking and feeling cheap. If you see any glue left anywhere on your projects, you should use this tool to lift it off prior to packaging the job. It is an invaluable tool.

30 Days of Blogging (D.I.Y. and Paper Tips) Day Seven: Misc. Tools

I've only seen rubber cement pickups sold in art supply stores... Start with Dick Blick's

2. Dry Cleaning Pad
This little puffy tool looks and feels like a miniature pillow. Inside there is a powdered, gum erasing material that is released through gentle rubbing or you can even hold it over your work and squeeze it. Great tool to have if you are doing any writing/drawing. It protects your work and keeps everything nice and CLEAN. You can even wipe it lightly over your work and it wont affect it besides cleaning smudges...

30 Days of Blogging (D.I.Y. and Paper Tips) Day Seven: Misc. Tools

Dry Cleaning Pads can be found at any store selling drafting supplies

3. Healing Mat A healing mat is a place to work. They come in all different sizes and have helpful markings on them... These lines are not decoration, they are a reference for your straight edge tools. Units of measurement, vertical and horizontal lines, angles, etc.

30 Days of Blogging (D.I.Y. and Paper Tips) Day Seven: Misc. Tools

Cutting mats, or healing mats are pretty universal, you should be able to find at Michael's/Hobby Lobby as well as art supply stores

4. Triangle and/or T-Square Straight edge tools are necessary for accuracy. Consider purchasing these items. The T-Square "hugs" the end of your healing mat and you know that whatever sits on the straight edge portion of the tool is going to be completely straight. Using a triangle in conjunction with the T-Square again assures completely straight vertical lines. See below.

30 Days of Blogging (D.I.Y. and Paper Tips) Day Seven: Misc. Tools

Rulers are fine, but these tools, used with the reference guidelines found on healing mats offer a better chance at more accurate, consistent projects...

That's it for today, I'll be back tomorrow with more tips!
Have great weeks.

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