Business Magazine

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Posted on the 11 November 2011 by Prepaidplans @prepaidplans

KISS Mobile called me last night with some exciting news. They were launching a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. I don’t have all of the details just yet, but what they are effectively saying is that sign up with them and if you change your mind within 30 days, you can simply leave and get your money back. What would be great is get all of your money back. In fact KISS Mobile are offering your $15 starter credit back. The only condition is that you need to have ported your number across to them, it will not apply if you have joined them and requested a new mobile number.

Given KISS Mobile is a relatively unknown provider of mobile services, a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee is a great way to reduce that fear factor of the unknown. Unknown reception and service. I really hope it works for them.

The only other Telco provider to offer anything like this is Vodafone with their mobile broadband plans. They also allow you to cancel and get your money back (less what you have spent). This applies to their month to month, 12 and 24 month contracts.

Great to see the Telcos putting control back in the hands of the consumer.

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