Diaries Magazine

3 Worst Toys To Have In Your Home

By Parentingsmh @parentingsmh
Every night after putting my little dudes to bed, I say a little prayer as I make my way out of their room.  A prayer for protection from harm, as I cautiously step over, by, and through the booby trap of toys laying in wait for me.  It makes me think about Stewey from "Family Guy", its weirdly funny, but at times there does seem to be some slight truth to his strategic plans to annihilate Lois.  The worst part is most times the plots surround the use of toys.  So I've come up with the three worst toys a child can have.
    1. Wooden toys totally suck!  So let me explain.  I understand they look great and all classic like, but here's the low down.  They hurt.  Kids don't  pick up their toys people.  Parents all over the world are risking  impalement each and every time they walk around their homes barefoot.  Oh and not to mention, when kids attack, the wooden toys are the first to be used as weapons.

    3 Worst Toys To Have In Your Home

    This one here was used by M to bludgeon his brother who as he put it, "messed up my train tracks."

    3 Worst Toys To Have In Your Home

    See the band aid on his forehead? Its hiding a deep gash caused by his brother (See #1)

    2. Toys with no "off" switch.  I mean come on.  You really need to think this one through.  Yes, I'm sure it seemed cute in the store.  You poked it, pulled it, picked it up and it made some automatic sound that you thought would be entertaining, (and for a little while, it was), but at half passed midnight, when all the toys are put away and the house is silent, the last thing you want, is to here toys talking and laughing as you walk by them.  Trust me, you will be afraid, very afraid.  I know you've seen Chucky.

    3 Worst Toys To Have In Your Home

    I guess the sounds are motion sensitive, not cool.

    3. Pieces. Lots of pieces.  I have to confess, I am guilty of this one myself.  Two words - Lego duplo.  Yes, it was me.  I bought the Lego duplo for Christmas, and it has now taken over.  Don't get me wrong, I actually love Legos.  I think they're a great creativity stimulating toy, but the problem is - kids don't pick up their toys (see #1).  This really wouldn't be a problem (technically) if the mess was in the kiddos' room, however, we all know that toys are migratory, so you're bound to step on a lego say … hopping out of bed?

    3 Worst Toys To Have In Your Home

    See the open door?  That's my bedroom. Now isn't the Lego placement just a tiny bit suspicious?

    Now this is my short list.  I'm sure you have some more I didn't think of, so what's on your list.

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