Hair & Beauty Magazine

3 Treatments Beauticians Must Take the Most Care with

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

In today's dynamic and ever-evolving beauty industry, a captivating array of treatments entices clients with the promises of achieving radiant skin, impeccably manicured nails, and the coveted beach body. However, as a beautician, it is essential to acknowledge that not all treatments come without their risks, and certain types can lead to substantial compensation payouts for dissatisfied clients.

By understanding the precautions required for these services, beauticians can enhance their expertise and prioritise the wellbeing and safety of their clients, preventing accidents from happening. Here are three of the more dangerous treatments to be aware of.

1.Manicures and pedicures

Close contact between customers and salon staff is common during treatments like manicures and pedicures, which naturally raises the risk of infections spreading. Furthermore, tools like nail files, clippers, and buffers can potentially harbour bacteria and viruses if not properly sanitised.

Even simple treatments pose risks if preventive measures are overlooked. For example, a small cut or abrasion on a customer's skin, combined with unsanitary tools or inadequate disinfection, can lead to a nasty infection.

To prevent this, salons must maintain strict protocols for infection control. This includes regular hand hygiene for staff and encouraging customers to wash their hands before and after treatments. Proper disinfection of tools and equipment is essential too, ensuring thorough sanitisation between each use.

2.Keratin hair treatments

The Brazilian blowout was hailed as a promising solution for taming frizzy locks. By applying a keratin solution to the hair and sealing it with a hair straightener, even the most unruly strands can be transformed into a smooth, lustrous, and frizz-free mane that lasts for months. However, significant concerns have now been raised surrounding Brazilian Blowouts - also known as keratin treatments.

3.Eyebrow and eyelash enhancements

When offering any lash or brow treatments, it is essential to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of your clients. First and foremost, you should ensure that your clients are safe from any potential allergic reactions. To do this, your beauticians should always conduct a patch test. This helps to identify any allergies your clients may have to the adhesives used in lash extensions or other products ahead of time, before they commit to the full procedure.

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