Lifestyle Magazine
A new year means a fresh start, and one of my main goals this year is to keep my blog better organised so I thought I would share some of my tips. I'm by no means an unorganised person, but getting everything in order really pleases me and with school work mounting up I want to keep everything in tiptop condition so that I don't give myself unnecessary stress and can deal with everything properly.
Take some time to tackle your to-dos - First things first I'd sit down one afternoon and do all the niggly bits that need doing. Clear out your blogging space, fix any things on your theme that need fixing, get emails and social media up to date and get your desk clear. It will take time, but once everything is done it will make it so much easier to keep it that way, and means that you don't have jobs hanging over you forever. Plus, you'll feel so much more motivated, which is always a plus.
Plan - I got a brand new notebook for myself recently from Flamingo Gifts, you can find it here, and I've been using it to plan out all the things that I want to do. New stationary is a really big help for me organising, in fact I often have about three different notebooks on the go for all my lists as they really help me keep on top of the things I need to be doing. By splitting it up into sections I can easily plan content, write to-dos, and keep up with any other extra projects. This takes the pressure off at later times because I know what I need to do and when, and also avoids the dreaded blogger burnout in future.
Routine - Making your time work for you is one of the most important skills that you will have to learn if you're not a full time blogger. I try to have certain tasks done at specific times of the day, for example waking up a little earlier to reply to emails, and replying to social media in the afternoon. Setting aside little slots will mean that tasks don't mount up and it will be easier to keep on top of it all. It will also mean that any unexpected things that come up don't interfere and mess everything up.
Now that's all said, I guess all that's left for me to do is take my own advice and everything should run smoothly. What are your top tips for keeping organised?