Religion Magazine

3 Reasons to Love the Meaning Of Life

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
This blog has passed 100 posts about The Meaning Of Life. 

Some people who read these posts might still have lingering questions about the meaning of life.  Among these questions might be something like, "What is in it for me to read these posts and like?" 
The assertion is here is that the meaning of life IS a useful topic to study.  Its principles can be used to apply to your daily life. 
In case you wondered why you should like learning about the meaning of life,  here are some suitable ways to finish the phrase,
Learning about the meaning of life can potentially:

1. Increase your level of happiness.
A significant percentage of people usually state the meaning of life is "just to be happy."  While this might mean different things to different people the common denominator is happiness. 
There is the drudgery of life and there is a bigger picture.  The meaning of life can help fill us in on the bigger picture.  Appreciating what is around you in a meaningful way can re-invigorate your life to that resembling a child.  The wonder of a child captivates some people in a similar way.
Do you know anyone who does not want to be happy? 
2. Help you know where you came from and where you are going.
It is one thing to know the daily tasks you have to do and do them (like the drudgery of life mentioned above).  However, deep down the average person has lingering thoughts in the back of their mind.  People wonder things like where they came from and where they are headed when this life is over. 
They might or might not admit it, but there is a natural curiosity in human genes that always wants more.
Some people learn later in life that trying to be what God created you to be is what brings you the most fulfillment.  Learning about the meaning of life can help tie this knot together.
3. Help "light a fire" to make the most our of your life.
It is common for the average person to have a desire that is deep down but they don't try because they think they will not succeed.  You have to pay the bills, after all. 
However, you could also learn that your goals are ultimately based on the effort you put into them AND the method you use.  Maybe you know how to work hard, but you do not know how to "get your word out." 
Personally I have come to the conclusion that life is not about one effort when you feel like it, but rather the accumulation of the seemingly  "little" decisions we make every day.  Learning about the meaning of life can help demonstrate how the impossible can, indeed, become possible.
When you perceive your life has deeper meaning it has an oomph that it did not have before.  It is a normal human desire to want this added oomph, if it is acquired the right way.  If you have seen a person with a spring in their step then you have seen this.
Even Jesus himself said in the Gospel Of John 10:10,
I came so that everyone can have life - and have it in the fullest. 
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