Health Magazine

3 More Positives to Be Found From Living With Lupus

By Cass
Hi All,
Many of you will have seen my post last week about all the positives that can be found fro negative situations...well this is the second installment. I want to share with you the positives that I have found to my life, in order to hopefully help you or make you see that positives really can be found anywhere. So here it is and it's even more important that I remember this this week as physically it has been a tough week.
3 More Positives to be Found From Living With Lupus
I have discovered the beauty of health and fitness.
This is one thing that I can honestly say I have been missing this week.....some exercise. Unfortunately the crutches have put a stop to that, but I will soon be back out there. Until then though I will say that I have never felt as healthy as I do now....yeah I know, even with the Lupus and all.
3 More Positives to be Found From Living With Lupus
When I was younger I didn't watch what I ate or drank. Especially when I was at university.....when drinking was the name of the game...sorry dad if you are reading this, but there was quite a lot of wine consumed. Now don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a gin and tonic or a glass of white wine, but what I know now is how much sugar is in that drink, what the consequences of it are and when to stop. Hangovers and lupus do not mix, they are horrendous and the last thing I need. Along with this I am far more aware of what food enters my system, especially when devising my lupus friendly diet. I pretty much live 90% of the time from fresh vegetables and fruits. The beauty of having this insight that I didn't have before is that I feel better, I have better skin, I am less bloated, I don't have hangovers and ultimately I am helping the lupus at the same time.
I appreciate the good days in a way I never could before.
Good days for me are generally the ones where I can wake up and get out of bed without saying any swear words.....again sorry dad! As long as I can get up without too much pain then it is going to be a good day and these are the ones that I like to get things done within. Now, firstly remember your limitations, they will still be there on good days and it's far too easy to overdo it. However, these are the times to celebrate by doing things that make you happy.
3 More Positives to be Found From Living With Lupus
For me I will either go to the gym, go for a nice countryside walk, write some posts for you lovely people and simply enjoy having a good day. Before I got ill, when everyday was the same old same old, I didn't see the beauty in some of the smaller parts of I see them and they are everywhere.
I worry a lot less about small things.
I am a self confesses stress head. I will worry about the most ridiculous and insignificant of things...some that haven't even happened...."what will I do in a zombie apocalypse" as an example. I maybe a stress head, but at least I have learnt about the things I actually NEED to stress about. Being ill all the time means that I have a lot less brain power to become upset about small things or things that can be dealt with at a later date.
3 More Positives to be Found From Living With Lupus
Now don't get me wrong, I still find myself getting lost in my head at times, worrying about stupid things, but what I am able to do now is recognize them and move on quickly. There are so many larger things than me happening in the world so why do I need to focus on these things that make me miserable.Let it go, focus on your health and emotional well-being.....positive things can only come from this.

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