It's hard to believe that I've entered the last year of my twenties. I have to constantly remind myself that I am an adult. And I have been adult for several years. There are times when I still feel like I just turned 21, and I don't have a worry in the world, but in reality, I'm in my late-twenties, with bills to pay, a wedding to plan and a full-time career.
29 is shaping up to be a pretty big year with our upcoming wedding and our goal to purchase a home of our own. We have a lot to look forward too.

However, there has been one thing I've been bouncing back and forth with for some time now. I've been wanting to start finding a way to keep myself accountable with my many goals. And this blog might just be the place to do this.
In this post, you will find my for the next year; all to be completed by my 30th birthday, exactly 364 days away. At the beginning of each month, I will post my monthly goals that will ultimately help me to achieve my yearly goals. At the end of each month, I will post a recap of how I did with my goals for that month, and where I'm at.
Setting goals is important. I've come to realize that, at least in my adult life.
In high school, my goals were simple. Ride often, compete and have fun. Study hard, work hard, graduate and get into a good college. In college, they were to study, learn, enjoy the college experience, graduate and find a job. Same with graduate school, minus the college experience and swap out find a job with find a career.
After I finished graduate school, my goals went by the way side. Sure, I set weight loss goals and money goals, but I never really worked hard to achieve them. I simply shrugged them off and said "I'll just try again," when I failed.
I don't want to shrug my goals off anymore. I want to achieve them. I want to CRUSH them. I want to turn 30, and look back and say, "Yep, 29 was one hell of a year," pat myself on the back, and set my goals for the next year. I want to finally achieve my adult goals.
Lose 60 pounds (give or take a few pounds)
My weight has been an ongoing battle my entire life. I won't be documenting everything I eat or do, but I will track the overall goal. I know 60 pounds in a year is attainable; it's 5 pounds per month. With my wedding coming up, I want to look the best I can, and I want to regain my health. I also want to be comfortable with what I wear.
Create a habit of working out at least 3-4 days per week
Habits take 21 days to be created. I need to focus on exercising for at least 21 days to get myself in a groove and keep up this habit. I want working out to feel like second nature to me. I don't want to think twice about going to the gym in the morning. I want it to just be part of my routine, and the only way that will happen is to be tough on myself and make it happen. I need to make the time.
Blog 1 to 2 times per week (more if I have time!)
I love blogging. I love writing. But when life gets busy, I push the blog to the back seat. But I want to commit to for the blog at least one or two times per week, with good content.
Make at least $100 a month of the blog
Again, long term goal. I know plenty of bloggers out there that make full-time salaries blogging, but I'd like to make enough to put back into the blog for hosting and monthly fees. My hope is to start doing monthly income reports, like many bloggers do, to show my growth and how I'm doing it.
Join the BlogHer Publishing Network
I've been blogging over at BlogHer since last year. I've posted many times and have had many featured posts included in the Blogging and Social Media section. Once I get back to blogging consistently again, I plan to apply to join the publishing network. I love this organization and can't say enough good things about them.
Save an additional $2,000 in my emergency account
Ever since I've paid off my credit card debt and my car, I've been making it my personal goal to build my savings account back up. I intend to continue doing that.
Finish editing my manuscript
This has been my goal for probably the last 6 years. I finally finished the first draft of it. I decided it needed to be longer. Now I've been adding to it whenever I can. I really want to have it completely done, in terms of additions and length, by next June. I want to be able to shop it around or self-publish it if I decide too. But I want to be done with it.
Make time for self-care one to two times a month
Self-care for me means facials, pedicures, manicures, haircuts, waxing, etc.
I feel very strongly about all of these goals. All doable, and manageable, especially given my hectic schedule.
I'll be posting my first round of monthly goals later this week.
Time to make 29 a goal-crushing year.