Well…I’ve got some catching up to do on this little blog!
Hank has been gone (he’s back now – woot woot!) so things were busy. But they are always busy. When he’s home we are going, doing, meeting up with friends, checking out fun places, checking out flea markets, etc., etc., etc. So when he’s gone, I’m busy playing catch-up.
Last night, I stayed up until 2 am doing this:

I. Mean.
So, rather than being frustrated, here’s my Day 12:
I am thankful for my washing machine and dryer. I can’t imagine how much time would be spent doing laundry if I didn’t have these appliances. When one breaks I realize how dependent I am on them. I’m also thankful for amazing deals, like the one I just scored for a new washer. My Craigslist one is getting pretty old, and having only spent $150 on it 3 years ago I’d say we got our money’s worth! I just found an amazing HE Whirlpool one on clearance. It was 1/2 off because it’s last years’ model, and just happens to match the clearance dryer I bought about 6 months ago. Yahoo! I am super excited to find such a great machine for so cheap, and am really happy to see the savings since it’s an HE model – less water, less soap, bigger capacity means less loads…now the hard part is waiting until my old one dies and/or we move to the new house to start using it.
Which brings me to my next one:
Day 13: I’m thankful for the men that we recently found to work on the home renovation. After weeding through a few guys who were…let’s say, not so motivated to work…Hank and I prayed for God to bring some great, trustworthy, skilled men to work on our home. He provided three! These men are such an answer to prayer! They are hardworking, fast, trustworthy, kind, knowlegeable…I could go on. We felt from the beginning that God had truly set this home aside for us, and this is just further confirmation that He is still at work in our remodel process.
Day 14: I’m thankful for Football. I LOVE football. It makes me happy. That opening theme song gives me the warm-fuzzies. I honestly have no idea where my obsession came from. My dad couldn’t care less about it and it really was rarely on at home growing up. I always thought that the man who married me would be so lucky to have a woman who loved football. So, naturally, I married a man who would rather watch Antiques Roadshow. It’s the only thing I can stand to have on the TV all day long. I “watch” 3 games on Sundays. Now, I say “watch” as if I actually sit down to watch them…more like “listen in the background, catch a glance in between diaper changes and meal prep, etc.” Our new house will have an open living/dining/kitchen area so I’ll be able to watch the Broncos crush everyone while I’m chopping veggies. Yay! I have met a lot of famous musicians, but you guys, I would flip my shi.. lid if I got to meet Calvin Johnson, Drew Brees, Troy Polamalu, Ron Gronkowski, Tony Hernandez, Champ Bailey, Donald Driver, or Tim Tebow…Yes, I heart Tebow. Yes, know he’s not currently playing, don’t hate. See, you can be a health-foodie and a football fan!
Day 15: I’m thankful for a healthy body that allows me to go and do things on my own. We decided long ago that if we wait for Hank to be home to do fun things, we won’t do much. So, I attempted to take all 3 kiddos to our local “Pumpkinfest” all by myself Saturday. I’m not sure why I didn’t call a friend to go with me, it’s always better with 2 moms, even if there are 7 kids, amen? Anyhoo, I managed. There were hard moments like when Henry had to pee while I was nursing Etta on a park bench. But some dear friends showed up just in time to take him to a bathroom nearby bush. I also scored some amazing boots for 1/2 price that I’ve been eyeing for a while. One size left that happened to be mine. I imagine trekking around our new back yard in these guys, feeding chickens, gardening, scooping dog poo…yay.

Miles attempted to ride a sheep. It did not comply.

Day 16: I am thankful for coffee. I probably don’t need to expound more on this, but let’s just say that due to a busy weekend, late bedtime and 6am wakeup, I’ve been toting my mug around like it’s an IV drip.
live well. be well.