I like to make realistic New Year's Resolutions that are simple, but have a big impact. To this day, the best New Year's Resolution I've made and kept is to lotion my whole body every day. I've been ash-free for years now lol. Here are some small goals for 2016:Face mask every Sunday. Right now my face mask of choice is Charcoal Purifying Mask from Shea Shea Bakery. I plan to rejuvenate my skin with a face mask once a week. Other face care goals that aren't necessarily resolutions are drinking more water, washing my face twice a day, and washing my pillow cases more often. Watch more TV. Most people are probably going into the New Year with the opposite resolution. I want to actually watch more TV this year. Really watch it. Not scroll social media while it plays in the background, or glance up at it while I'm working. I want to 100% watch TV while I'm watching TV this year. Looking forward to: black-ish, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Modern Family, Downton Abbey, Shameless, Portlandia, and for some reason - American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson.Limit phone usage when I'm not alone. If I'm in the presence of other people I'm going to try my best to engage with them rather than browsing on my phone. Unless I have a specific task I want to do, I'll keep my phone to the side. What are your 2016 New Year's Resolutions?