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2016 Goedeker’s Appliances Annual College Book Scholarship 3rd Honorable Mention

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Home / Goedeker's News / 2016 Goedeker's Appliances Annual College Book Scholarship 3rd Honorable Mention

Tuesday, we announced the second honorable mention winner, Leon Hister, for our Annual College Book Scholarship. Today, we announce the third! The three honorable mentions will be awarded $100, and the top winner will be awarded $500.

3rd Honorable Mention: Dylan Martinsen

2016 Goedeker’s Appliances Annual College Book Scholarship 3rd Honorable Mention

Dylan Martinsen is enrolled at The University of New York: Potsdam, majoring in Creative Writing. He intends to use his degree to help broaden his range of experience by publishing works that impact people while also funding travel, especially to china where he can continue his Kung Fu training. His long term goal to create an arts academy that gives students, before or after college, the space to discover themselves through their chosen form: music, dance, theater etc.

Here is an excerpt from his essay:

"I began training in Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi-Gong, Mediation, Tai Chi and Bagua-Zhang. Through training these ancient arts I struggled with my own human condition and began discovering who I was. The training was intense and traditional. We would train outside regardless of the weather, in the gravel, in the water, and on posts. It was not always comfortable, many times painful and it cleared away the past allowing to me live into a new future. I attained a deep sense of peace, trust, joy and clarity. During this time I began writing poetry, comments on my experience and the world I observed. I also completed a 200-page novella in verse, "Sam's Story." The story detailed my experience of my own thoughts about growing up gay and the beauty it is to fall in love. This is where I found my talent and passion for writing. I am currently working on publishing "Sam's Story" through www.lulu.com."

We can't wait to read Dylan's future publications and wish him all the best in the world and his future endeavors with his Kung Fu training and any other adventures he takes on! Check back tomorrow to see our Winner for the $500 Scholarship!

About The Author

2016 Goedeker’s Appliances Annual College Book Scholarship 3rd Honorable Mention

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