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2014 Year in Review: April-June

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
2014 year in review: April-JuneContinuing on with the year in review (check out the first batch of projects here), here are some of my favorite projects from April to June. 
This year I experimented with working with more local contributors. Since they were local I could work with them on developing the projects together and then shooting together. Generally, we would work together on coming up with the idea, developing the idea then I would style it with the photographer. It was a big experiment and there were a lot of things that went well and a lot of things I learned about the collaborative process.2014 year in review: April-June2014 year in review: April-JuneMy sister's floral wedding  |  DIY Donut rug  |  DIY Easter basket liner  |  DIY spring centerpiece  | DIY Paper fan garland  |  Crepe cake  |  Mini baked donuts  |  Flamingo bridal shower  |  DIY topiaries  |  DIY twist crown  |  Braid tutorial  |  Donut macarons  |  Embroidered collar  |  Pineapple juice  |  Coconut bars  |  Beach towel DIY  |  DIY money necklace  |  American Flag garland
Just one more! Stay tuned!

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